The Legend of the Bluebonnet: An Old Tale of Texas

The Legend of the Bluebonnet: An Old Tale of Texas

  • 作者: dePaola, Tomie
  • 原文出版社:G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers
  • 出版日期:1983/03/25
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:722
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  • 馬尼尼為 / 被丟棄的絨毛兔、髒髒的泰迪熊……為什麼人類喜歡「破娃娃」故事?


    酒井駒子的《天鵝絨兔子》是觸發蒐集破娃娃相關作品的關鍵 五年前,我看了酒井駒子改寫、繪圖的《天鵝絨兔子》,深受感動。絨毛兔在被燒掉前,回想著它和小主人明明那麽好,一顆眼淚,一顆真正的眼淚就掉了下來。淚水滴落的地方,瞬間長出了一棵奇妙的樹,樹中冒出了仙子,仙子把哭紅眼的絨毛兔緊 more


Thick clusters of vivid blue flowers, which resemble old-fashioned sunbonnets, cover the Texas hills in the springtime every year. These lovely wild flowers, known by the name of bluebonnet, are the state flower of Texas.

This favorite legend based on Comanche Indian lore, tells the story of how the bluebonnet came to be. Tomie dePaola's powerful retelling and his magnificent full-color paintings perfectly capture the Comanche People, the Texas hills, and the spirit of She-Who-Is-Alone, a little girl who made a sacrifice to save her tribe.



Tomie dePaola was born in Meriden, Connecticut, in 1934 to a family of Irish and Italian background. By the time he could hold a pencil, he knew what his life’s work would be. His determination to create books for children led to a BFA from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York, and an MFA from the California College of Arts & Crafts in Oakland, California.

It drove him through the years of teaching, designing greeting cards and stage sets, and painting church murals until 1965, when he illustrated his first children’s book, Sound, by Lisa Miller for Coward-McCann. Eventually, freed of other obligations, he plunged full time into both writing and illustrating children’s books.

He names Fra Angelico and Giotto, Georges Rouault, and Ben Shahn as major influences on his work, but he soon found his own unique style. His particular way with color, line, detail, and design have earned him many of the most prestigious awards in his field, among them a Caldecott Honor Award for Strega Nona, the Smithsonian Medal from the Smithsonian Institution, the Kerlan Award from the University of Minnesota for his "singular attainment in children’s literature," the Catholic Library Association’s Regina Medal for his "continued distinguished contribution," and the University of Southern Mississippi Medallion. He was also the 1990 United States nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen Medal for illustration.

Tomie dePaola has published almost 200 children’s books in fifteen different countries. He remains one of the most popular creators of books for children, receiving more than 100,000 fan letters each year.

Tomie lives in an interesting house in New Hampshire with his four dogs. His studio is in a large renovated 200-year-old barn.

- He has been published for over 30 years.
- Over 5 million copies of his books have sold worldwide.
- His books have been published in over 15 different countries.
- He receives nearly 100,000 fan letters each year.

Tomie dePaola has received virtually every significant recognition forhis books in the children’s book world, including:

- Caldecott Honor Award from American Library Association
- Newbery Honor Award from American Library Association
- Smithson Medal from Smithsonian Institution
- USA nominee in illustration for Hans Christian Andersen Medal
- Regina Medal from Catholic Library Association

copyright (c) 2000 by Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers. All rights reserved.



  • ISBN:9780399209376
  • 規格:精裝 / 32頁 / 26.2 x 21.1 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:4歲~8歲




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