
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

  • 作者: Goodwin, Doris Kearns
  • 原文出版社:Simon & Schuster
  • 出版日期:2006/09/26
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:912
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普立茲獎得主Doris Kearns Goodwin經典巨著




  封面圖片為一八六二年時,林肯於內閣成員前首次宣讀解放宣言(The first reading of the Emancipation Proclamation before the cabinet),由法蘭西斯.卡本特(Francis Carpenter)所繪。人物由左至右為:戰爭部長史坦頓(Edwin McMasters Stanton)、財政部長蔡斯(Salmon Portland Chase)、總統林肯、海軍部長威爾斯(Gideon Welles)、內政部長史密斯(Caleb Blood Smith,站立者)、國務卿蘇爾德(William Henry Seward,坐者)、郵政部長布萊爾(Montgomery Blair)與司法部長貝茲(Edward Bates)。


One of the most influential books of the past fifty years, Team of Rivals is Pulitzer Prize-winning author and esteemed presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin’s modern classic about the political genius of Abraham Lincoln, his unlikely presidency, and his cabinet of former political foes.

Winner of the prestigious Lincoln Prize and the inspiration for the Oscar Award winning-film Lincoln, starring Daniel Day-Lewis, directed by Steven Spielberg, and written by Tony Kushner.

On May 18, 1860, William H. Seward, Salmon P. Chase, Edward Bates, and Abraham Lincoln waited in their hometowns for the results from the Republican National Convention in Chicago. When Lincoln emerged as the victor, his rivals were dismayed and angry.

Throughout the turbulent 1850s, each had energetically sought the presidency as the conflict over slavery was leading inexorably to secession and civil war. That Lincoln succeeded, Goodwin demonstrates, was the result of a character that had been forged by experiences that raised him above his more privileged and accomplished rivals. He won because he possessed an extraordinary ability to put himself in the place of other men, to experience what they were feeling, to understand their motives and desires.

It was this capacity that enabled Lincoln as president to bring his disgruntled opponents together, create the most unusual cabinet in history, and marshal their talents to the task of preserving the Union and winning the war.

We view the long, horrifying struggle from the vantage of the White House as Lincoln copes with incompetent generals, hostile congressmen, and his raucous cabinet. He overcomes these obstacles by winning the respect of his former competitors, and in the case of Seward, finds a loyal and crucial friend to see him through.

This brilliant multiple biography is centered on Lincoln’s mastery of men and how it shaped the most significant presidency in the nation’s history.




桃莉絲.基恩斯.古德溫 Doris Kearns Goodwin

  知名歷史學家,以《非凡時代》(No Ordinary Time,描寫小羅斯福總統夫婦和他們的時代)一書贏得普立茲獎,曾任詹森總統助理,並在哈佛大學教授政治相關課程長達十年。其他著作有《詹森與美國夢》(Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream)、《費茲傑羅家族與甘迺迪家族》(The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys)等,以上皆為《紐約時報》暢銷書。目前和先生李查.古德溫(Richard Goodwin)住在麻州的康考德(Concord)。

Doris Kearns Goodwin’s work for President Lyndon Johnson launched her career as a presidential historian, beginning with Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream. She followed up with the Pulitzer Prize-winning No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Homefront in World War II. She earned the Lincoln Prize for Team of Rivals, in part the basis for Steven Spielberg’s film Lincoln, and the Carnegie Medal for The Bully Pulpit, chronicle of the friendship between Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft. Her last book, Leadership: In Turbulent Times was the inspiration for the History Channel docuseries on Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt, which she executive produced. Visit her at DorisKearnsGoodwin.com or @DorisKGoodwin.



  • ISBN:9780743270755
  • 規格:平裝 / 916頁 / 23.4 x 15.5 x 4.6 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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