
Parrots Over Puerto Rico

Parrots Over Puerto Rico

  • 定價:796
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  • 「做一本書」就像是在做一段人生──認識9位「拼貼繪本」藝術家


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    OKAPI總是送來最難的題材,這回說要做專題,讓我絞盡腦汁。雖然我也喜歡偷偷小作怪,但還不到能大作怪的能力。所以想了這個「愈翻閱愈驚奇──不可錯過的10位繪本藝術家」的主題,介紹幾位最不怕麻煩的繪本家。就是製作過程與所需技巧的精細繁複,讓他們無法做太多書,但本本精彩!當我們越瞭解作者的 more


Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Award - American Library Association (ALA)

A nonfiction picture book about the history of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican parrot, which was brought back from the brink of extinction.

Above the treetops of Puerto Rico flies a flock of parrots as green as their island home... These are Puerto Rican parrots. They lived on this island for millions of years, and then they nearly vanished from the earth forever.

Puerto Rican parrots, once abundant, came perilously close to extinction in the 1960s due to centuries of foreign exploration and occupation, development, and habitat destruction. In this compelling book, Roth and Trumbore recount the efforts of the scientists of the Puerto Rican Parrot Recovery Program to save the parrots and ensure their future. Woven into the parrots’ story is a brief history of Puerto Rico itself, from before the first human settlers to the present day.

With striking collage illustrations, a unique format, and engaging storytelling, Parrots Over Puerto Rico invites readers to witness the amazing recovery efforts that have enabled Puerto Rican parrots to fly over their island once again.



Susan L. Roth’s vibrant mixed-media collage illustrations have appeared in numerous outstanding picture books, including Parrots Over Puerto Rico, winner of the Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Medal; Prairie Dog Song; The Mangrove Tree; and most recently Every Month Is a New Year and Malala Yousafzai: Warrior with Words. Roth and her husband live in New York. Visit her online at susanlroth.com. CINDY TRUMBORE has been involved with young people’s literature for most of her career. A former editor in children’s book publishing, she now writes children’s books, edits books for classrooms, and teaches writing. She has collaborated with her friend Susan L. Roth on several award-winning titles, including Parrots Over Puerto Rico, which won the Robert F. Sibert Medal for Nonfiction; The Mangrove Tree; and most recently Prairie Dog Song. She lives with her family in New Jersey. You can visit her online at cindykane.net.



  • ISBN:9781620140048
  • 規格:精裝 / 48頁 / 23.1 x 26.7 x 1 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:6歲~11歲




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