
Pedigree: A Memoir

Pedigree: A Memoir

  • 定價:570
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  • 耿一偉/當劇場白光驅走人生昏暗──諾貝爾文學獎得主劇本《我們人生的最初》


    俄國大師級劇場導演多金在執導契訶夫時,會花相當長的時間與演員一起分析劇本。畢竟契訶夫是寫短篇小說與幽默小品起家,他會壓縮文字到最精簡,在看似平淡的對話背後,總有著縝密精巧的布局。《海鷗》一開場,小學老師問瑪莎為何穿黑衣服,因為沒有人死亡,瑪莎回答:「這是我為我的生命守喪。」多金 more


Nobel laureate Patrick Modiano has said that his many fictions are all variations of the same story. Pedigree, his memoir, is the theme.

"Terse, yet somehow infinitely generous, Pedigree both enacts and accounts for Modiano’s fraught relationship with memory and the past--his own and those of his country."--Kaiama L. Gloverdec, New York Times Book Review

In this rare glimpse into the life of Nobel laureate Patrick Modiano, the author takes up his pen to tell his personal story. He addresses his early years--shadowy times in postwar Paris that haunt his memory and have inspired his world-cherished body of fiction. In the spare, absorbing, and sometimes dreamlike prose that translator Mark Polizzotti captures unerringly, Modiano offers a memoir of his first twenty-one years. "I am writing these pages the way one compiles a report or a résumé," he writes, "as documentation and to have done with a life that was not my own." Termed one of his finest books by the Guardian, Pedigree is both a personal exploration and a portrait of a world gone by.

Pedigree sheds light on the childhood and adolescence that Modiano explores in Suspended Sentences, Dora Bruder, and other novels. In this work he re-creates the louche, unstable world of his neglectful parents under the German Occupation; his childhood in a household of circus performers and gangsters; his harsh boarding school, which catered to "bastards, lost children"; and his formative friendship with the writer Raymond Queneau. While acknowledging that memory is never assured, Modiano recalls with painful clarity the death of his ten-year-old brother, Rudy. Pedigree, Modiano’s only memoir, is a gift to his readers and a master key to the themes that have inspired his writing life.



Patrick Modiano, winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize for literature and an internationally beloved novelist, lives in Paris, France. Mark Polizzotti has translated more than forty books from the French and is director of the publications program at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.



  • ISBN:9780300223613
  • 規格:平裝 / 144頁 / 19.1 x 11.7 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




  • 哈利波特【怪獸與大自然的奇幻世界】召喚最萌奇獸,魔法珍藏 3 折起









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