
If Apples Had Teeth

If Apples Had Teeth

  • 定價:644
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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A book about language, play, and the relationship between words and images, If Apples Had Teeth is graphic, smart, silly, and surreal all at the same time. Language and thought come to life as counterfactuals and possibilities are conjured and proposed. The heart of the book beats with newness, reminding us that art, poetry, and story are all about creating something that doesn’t yet exist in the world.

Milton Glaser (b.1929) is among the most celebrated graphic designers in the United States. He has had the distinction of one-man-shows at the Museum of Modern Art and the Georges Pompidou Center. He was selected for the lifetime achievement award of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum (2004) and the Fulbright Association (2011), and in 2009 he was the first graphic designer to receive the National Medal of the Arts award. He opened Milton Glaser, Inc. in 1974, and continues to produce a prolific amount of work in many fields of design to this day.



Shirley Girton Glaser studied photography and art at The Cooper Union. After graduating in 1956, she married Milton, and together they went to Italy, where Shirley continued her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. It was after their return to the US that Shirley started her career as a children’s book author. Her books include The Big Race, The Alphazeds, and IF, all illustrated by Milton.

Milton Glaser (b.1929) is among the most celebrated graphic designers in the United States. He has had the distinction of one-man-shows at the Museum of Modern Art and the Georges Pompidou Center. He was selected for the lifetime achievement award of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum (2004) and the Fulbright Association (2011), and in 2009 he was the first graphic designer to receive the National Medal of the Arts award. As a Fulbright scholar, Glaser studied with the painter, Giorgio Morandi in Bologna, and is an articulate spokesman for the ethical practice of design. He opened Milton Glaser, Inc. in 1974, and continues to produce a prolific amount of work in many fields of design to this day.



  • ISBN:9781592702268
  • 規格:精裝 / 40頁 / 21.6 x 17.3 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:3歲~8歲




  • 【童心奇想夏日樂園】玩創意 x 玩知識 x 語感養成,分齡暢銷經典,指定滿$488折$50,滿$888折$100









  • 小物
  • 夏日小說
  • 傳記