
Polka Dot Parade: A Book About Bill Cunningham

Polka Dot Parade: A Book About Bill Cunningham

  • 定價:684
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  • 照自己的心意,把想做的事做到極致──用繪本認識4 位男性攝影家


      我們讀過女性攝影家之後,看看不同風格的男性攝影家,他們因為攝影改變人生,不論是因為收入較好而改善生活品質,或是在戰地出生入死,開啟了攝影的主題,或是以看似隨性的時尚目光街拍,這些攝影家都成為歷史上的重要人物。   1. 詹姆士.范德吉 Take a Picture of Me, James more


"Beautifully rendered and told, the book brings to life the work of a gifted 20th-century artist whose creative vision will always be in vogue." Kirkus Reviews, Starred review

This is a moving and impassioned picture book about the iconic fashion photographer Bill Cunningham that will inspire young readers to go discover their own ideas of beauty and embolden the world with their own creativity

He found "sheer poetry"

in the drape of an evening dress,


in the swoosh of a knife-pleated skirt,

and sartorial splendor

in Jazz Age garb.

Every day, Bill Cunningham pedaled his bike through New York City searching for beauty. As he took picture after picture, Bill found beauty not in people, but in their clothes. Drawn to bold and creative choices, Bill's photos captured the attention of the New York Times. He traveled to Paris for Fashion Week, and admiration for his work grew. With his sense of creativity and daringness, his own personal style of photography came to be known as street art photography.

His photos left a lasting impression on all those who came across his work and they continue to inspire creativity today. This is the story of the legend who created street fashion photography and left behind a legacy of glorious pictures. Bill Cunningham used his passion and talent to capture the beauty he saw in fashion and the ultimate freedom that it represents to each and every person.

This is an inspiring picture book about finding your path and being creative.



Deborah Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and nutritionist who now divides her time between writing children’s books and adult novels. She has been a regular contributor to the New York Times (including four years as the Sunday New York Times magazine beauty columnist), and a home design columnist for Long Island Newsday. Her health, fitness, beauty, travel, and feature stories have appeared in many other newspapers and national magazines including New York’s Daily News, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Woman’s Day, Family Circle, Self, and Vogue. Blumenthal lives in New York City. You can visit her online at deborahblumenthal.com.

Masha D’yans is an award-winning artist, author, and illustrator who wears many hats, mostly of her own design. She has a line of watercolor greeting cards inspired by the marvels of nature, fairy tales, anything that blows her socks off, and her refusal to grow up. Bursting with colorful washes and delicate details, Masha’s distinctive work rapidly gained a following, leading to debuts in Barneys New York, Louis Boston, and Neiman Marcus.
Today, her cards can be found in shops the world over. She also styles and designs clothing, as well as a range of products including MoMA’s renowned pop-up cards and calendars for Rizzoli. Her work has been featured in numerous movies and TV shows such as Funny People and The Kids Are Alright. Masha’s literary portfolio includes book covers like All We Have Left by Wendy Mills, picture books such as A Poem as Big as New York City and Razzle-Dazzle Ruby (which she illustrated, wrote, and paper-engineered), and the coloring book Color Me Enchanted. Originally from Europe, she holds a BFA from Cooper Union. Masha now lives in Los Angeles, California. You can visit her online at masha.com.



  • ISBN:9781499806649
  • 規格:精裝 / 40頁 / 28.7 x 21.8 x 1.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:4歲~7歲




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  • 小物
  • 夏日小說
  • 傳記