加拿大插畫家芮妮‧奈特(Renee Nault),以豐富的水彩與水墨風格著稱。她的畫風如水中的光影,結合她喜愛的日本浮世繪,創造出一系列精緻、漂浮感十足、反覆堆疊的畫面,細膩地改編了瑪格麗特.愛特伍反烏托邦式的原著小說《使女的故事》。
奈特秉持原作精神,依照原始設定情節,讓敘述者歐芙蕾(Offred)躍然紙上:她住在基列共和國(Republic of Gilead),一個看起來像是美國卻又難以辨別的地方。歐芙蕾仍懷念過去上班讀書、結交朋友的日子,但在新的社會制度下,一切都被禁止,她僅能服務於指揮官和他的夫人。政府控制著女性,以保護的名義除去她們的自由的權利,對年老或病重的女性,加以拋棄。整個世界,只關注新生兒勝於一切,由於生育率的下降,使女的價值僅在於能生產受孕。作為一個被迫作為代孕的女性,每月僅能祈求主人給予受孕的可能。
The stunning graphic novel adaptation - A must-read and collector’s item for fans of "the patron saint of feminist dystopian fiction" (New York Times).
Look for The Testaments, the sequel to The Handmaid’s TaleIn Margaret Atwood’s dystopian future, environmental disasters and declining birthrates have led to a Second American Civil War. The result is the rise of the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian regime that enforces rigid social roles and enslaves the few remaining fertile women. Offred is one of these, a Handmaid bound to produce children for one of Gilead’s commanders. Deprived of her husband, her child, her freedom, and even her own name, Offred clings to her memories and her will to survive. Provocative, startling, prophetic, The Handmaid’s Tale has long been a global phenomenon. With this beautiful graphic novel adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s modern classic, beautifully realized by artist Renée Nault, the terrifying reality of Gilead has been brought to vivid life like never before.