知名德國繪本作家布麗塔.泰肯特拉普(Britta Teckentrup),巧妙運用書中的挖洞設計,讓頁面上的小樹逐漸變化。左右頁面分別將人們對彼此的惡意和善意的行為並列,對照不同行為和言語產生的影響。精緻的設計巧思,讓小讀者可以透過視覺和觸覺體驗,直接感受到愛和善良能為世界帶來的改變和力量。(文/博客來外文館)
Angry words can ruin friendships, but a gesture as simple as a smile can cause kindness to bloom and friendships to mend. Die-cut pages feature a sapling that grows into a flowering tree with each turn of the page as kindness is spread.
Harsh words, disagreements, and shouting can cause friendships to bend and sometime break. Friends are sad when they're left out, and once a mean word is spoken, it's impossible to take it back. But what if we were to spread kindness instead? Offering words of encouragement, sharing, caring for others, and playing together all help to make friendships stronger -- and we are certainly stronger together!