Roam With Me: I Love You to the Forest and Beyond (Mother and Daughter Edition)

Roam With Me: I Love You to the Forest and Beyond (Mother and Daughter Edition)

  • 定價:1237
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Grab your copy of Roam With Me and prepare to take flight. A fun adventure to the forest awaits you tonight!

As the sun sets and the stars come out to play, this bedtime story takes you and your child on a dreamy adventure that transcends the boundaries of their bedroom. Beautifully coloured illustrations come to life as you and your child travel deep into the forest. You’ll see birds and bees and many types of trees. There will be weasels, foxes, rabbits, and tiny grey mice, maybe you’ll even see a lizard or a frog once or twice. The forest is full of wonder. Keep your eyes peeled for a mama bear and her cub as you listen for the crackle of twigs beneath the hooves of a large brown moose. Come and explore as you roam past the wild flowers and mushrooms that grow near your feet. And enjoy this cherished bonding experience between mother and child.

Roam With Me by Sharon Purtill is a soothing forest book for kids 2-6 years old who love animals, flowers and trees.

Roam With Me is part of the Wherever Shall We Go Children’s Bedtime Story Series. The books in this series are a fun rhyming read in whatever order you choose. Each book in this children’s book series comes with a promise to meet a child in their dreams and accompany them on an exciting dream adventure. Whether you’ll zoom off to outer space, watch whales in the ocean, or take an exploration deep into the jungle, the author hopes this bedtime story series will surprise and delight children everywhere.

Every book in the series closes with a loving message from the reader to the child that ties back to the book’s subtitle. In Roam With Me the final message reads: "I love you to the forest and beyond, my sweet one. Goodnight." This makes these books the perfect I love you books and they make wonderful gifts.

This is the mother and daughter edition of Roam With Me. It is the perfect bedtime story for moms to share with their little girls, or grandmothers to share with their granddaughters. A mother and son edition can be found separately by searching this title. The story line is the same only the illustrations will depict a girl in one and a boy in the other.

Don’t forget to follow this author and be on the lookout for other books in this series.



  • ISBN:9781990469510
  • 規格:精裝 / 36頁 / 21.59 x 21.59 x 0.64 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:2歲~7歲




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