




為什麼孩子要先學會自然發音?! 因為,學會自然發音不但可以「聽音拼字」,還可以「看字讀音」 讓家裡寶貝自然而然成為雙語小天才,是成功奠定英語基礎最重要的第一步! 輕鬆在家就能進行的雙語教育 跟著輕...more

【小行星點讀系列】吳敏蘭給孩子的英文童謠精選:I CAN SING!動物×生活的16首音樂經典

【小行星點讀系列】吳敏蘭給孩子的英文童謠精選:I CAN SING!動物×生活的16首音樂經典

凱斯英語執行長吳敏蘭 為小小孩打造的英語入門首選 I CAN SING! 動物嘉年華×生活狂想曲 用16首經典童謠+超過80個主題單字 提升英語好感度.滿足分齡學習需求.建立英聽和表達能力 ▲從啟蒙到進階的分齡...more



為孩子精心挑選40首經典英文歌謠, 讓孩子一邊看書、一邊聽音樂,輕鬆進入歡唱英文世界。 本書可搭配《FOOD超人多重點讀筆》使用, 40首經典英文歌謠,陪孩子快樂學習ABC。 每首輕鬆有趣的歌謠,...more



孩子的英文Podcast 會開口說英文.唱英文歌.念英文故事 兒歌韻文‧音韻語感‧西方文化‧閱讀啟蒙 英美口傳童謠經典中的經典 魔法筆一點,輕鬆跟著琅琅上口! 《魔法鵝媽媽經典童謠》 活潑可愛的念唱歌...more

唱吧!英文歌謠:聽歌謠說故事【二版】(20K+144首歌謠 寂天雲隨身聽APP)

唱吧!英文歌謠:聽歌謠說故事【二版】(20K+144首歌謠 寂天雲隨身聽APP)

來唱歌 說故事! 144首經典兒童英文歌謠和韻文, 看歌謠的起源故事, 讓你聽歌謠,說故事,在這裡愛上英文! 本書精選英美文化中,傳唱已久、最耳熟能詳的144首經典英文歌謠韻文。 歌謠的節奏清楚...more

日本KUMON 英文童謠(附CD、童謠卡)

日本KUMON 英文童謠(附CD、童謠卡)

童謠是培養閱讀能力的最佳工具 節奏快,詞彙簡單容易記憶 增進孩子的語言能力 使用方法: 1.胎兒在五、六個月大時,可讓胎兒聆聽英文童謠進行胎教,幼兒期任何時間皆可以聽。 2.反覆不停的播放...more

Giraffe and the Rain

Giraffe and the Rain

「唱遊繪本」系列的文字如詩又如歌,小朋友可以一邊唱讀故事,一邊跟可愛的長頸鹿說出心情! 天氣不似預期,事情也不一定如我們所想般發展。我們可以傷心,但同時可以找方法讓這些負面情緒正確地宣洩出...more



深受讀者喜歡的《唱吧!英文歌謠:聽歌謠說故事》改版囉!在二版中有全新的編排,全書採取對頁編排方式,並完整呈現歌謠段落,另外還更換許多彩色插圖,讓這本書閱讀起來更完整、更精彩! 精選144首經典兒...more



本書收錄42首深受孩子喜愛的英文童謠,讓孩子從歡唱的過程中認識文字,增進語文表達能力,並感受音樂的優美律動。書中每首童謠均有可愛的圖畫,幫助孩子融入歌曲的意境;而隨書所附的QR CODE,掃描即可隨...more



美國學校天賴童聲,引領孩子英語啟蒙。 最熟悉的旋律,讓孩子輕輕鬆鬆學習英語打好基礎! ◎15首經典英語童謠,精心編曲輕快悅耳,讓孩子朗朗上口。 ◎「歡樂動物」為主題,精編英語歌詞,淺顯易懂,童趣真...more



英文教學經歷超過20的超人氣老師Teacher KTV 專門為台灣孩子精選八首經典兒歌,設計烏克麗麗和弦+身體律動操。 帶著孩子用表演學英文,一同創造快樂童年時光! 內附DVD×1+親子律動唱遊手冊×1 【D...more

My awesome nursery rhymes book【英文童謠造型唱遊書】(超大形狀造型頁)

My awesome nursery rhymes book【英文童謠造型唱遊書】(超大形狀造型頁)

掃描QR code,跟著唱17首英文童謠! 好玩又有趣的英文童謠軋型書,激發孩子的學習興趣。 讓孩子一看就喜歡,跟著歌曲唱唱跳跳,學習英文超簡單! 獨家授權原唱曲,掃描內文QR code一起唱 聆聽外國老...more



從小學習英文讓幼兒發音更標準,透過音樂讓幼兒快樂學習外語,兒歌內容包含動物、問候語、天氣......等,皆為幼兒生活周遭的體驗朗誦英文歌曲不只學習語言、認字,培養音樂素養的同時也能增進生活常規。 ...more



‧12個國內外節慶,一次了解節慶文化背景:以淺顯易懂的方式介紹12個國內外節慶,一次了解中國新年到西洋聖誕節。 ‧輕鬆快樂聽兒歌,激發英文學習興趣:12首好聽易學的英文兒歌,讓孩子在歡樂的旋律中無...more

GO GO Reading(4書+1AVCD)

GO GO Reading(4書+1AVCD)

GO GO Reading(4書+1AVCD) *故事內容易學易懂,讓孩子在唱、讀、口說故事之間,學習分享、勇敢、解決問題等能力。並從故事中延伸出童謠,引導幼兒倘佯在閱讀的趣味中。 *超級互動學習光碟:有CD、故事...more

Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate (1書+1AVCD)

Five Little Pumpkins Sitting on a Gate (1書+1AVCD)

唱歌謠。唸韻文。讀劇本。 歌謠韻文一直是語言學習初階者最佳的學習模式! 本書由楊耀琦老師精心編寫而成,透過居家環境的不同房間,輕鬆地帶入英語學習。第一部分是歌謠韻文,繪本式的內容呈現,搭配節...more



唱歌謠。唸韻文。讀劇本。 歌謠韻文一直是語言學習初階者最佳的學習模式! 本書由楊耀琦老師精心編寫而成,透過居家環境的不同房間,輕鬆地帶入英語學習。第一部分是歌謠韻文,繪本式的內容呈現,搭配節...more



與美國小朋友同步快樂唱童謠 英文律動童謠,是孩子英文學習的啟蒙! 英語律動歌謠第 2 發,快樂引爆! 專輯中共收錄20首動聽的英文律動童謠,讓孩子在輕快的旋律中,自然而然學習英語。歌曲 CD 搭配中...more



Kid’s English Songs 本書精心挑選40首輕快又耳熟能詳的英文兒歌,讓孩子在聆聽歌謠的過程中,能不自覺地從中學到道地的英文發音,一點一滴激發孩子對英文的熱情。 本書特色 .完全零壓力歌唱學英文 ...more

World Windows 2 (Science): Pumpkins Workbook

World Windows 2 (Science): Pumpkins Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social Stud......more

World Windows 1 (Science): Parts of a Tree

World Windows 1 (Science): Parts of a Tree

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Jobs

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Jobs

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Goods Workbook

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Goods Workbook

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): In the Neighborhood Workbook

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): In the Neighborhood Workbook

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Jobs Workbook

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Jobs Workbook

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 1 (Science): Parts of a Tree Workbook

World Windows 1 (Science): Parts of a Tree Workbook

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Goods

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Goods

National Geographic • World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social S......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): My Friend and I

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): My Friend and I

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): My Friend and I Workbook

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): My Friend and I Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): New Year Celebrations Workbook

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): New Year Celebrations Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Science): Polar Bears

World Windows 2 (Science): Polar Bears

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Science): Polar Bears Workbook

World Windows 2 (Science): Polar Bears Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): Things Made of Wood

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): Things Made of Wood

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): A Savings Plan

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): A Savings Plan

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Science): Push and Pull Workbook

World Windows 2 (Science): Push and Pull Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Science): Float or Sink? Workbook

World Windows 1 (Science): Float or Sink? Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): Land and Water Workbook

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): Land and Water Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): New Year Celebrations

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): New Year Celebrations

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Science): Magnets Workbook

World Windows 3 (Science): Magnets Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): Thomas Edison Workbook

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): Thomas Edison Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): A Savings Plan Workbook

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): A Savings Plan Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): Things Made of Wood Workbook

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): Things Made of Wood Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Maps Workbook

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Maps Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Science): Habitats Workbook

World Windows 2 (Science): Habitats Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Good Citizens Workbook

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Good Citizens Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): The City and the Country

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): The City and the Country

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Good Citizens

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): Good Citizens

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Science): Butterflies Workbook

World Windows 3 (Science): Butterflies Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Science): Seasons Workbook

World Windows 2 (Science): Seasons Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): Famous Landmarks Workbook

World Windows 3 (Social Studies): Famous Landmarks Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Science): Weather Workbook

World Windows 1 (Science): Weather Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): The City and the Country Workbook

World Windows 2 (Social Studies): The City and the Country Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 2 (Science):Pumpkins

World Windows 2 (Science):Pumpkins

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies):School Rules

World Windows 1 (Social Studies):School Rules

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): Ways To Travel Workbook

World Windows 1 (Social Studies): Ways To Travel Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies):Ways To Travel

World Windows 1 (Social Studies):Ways To Travel

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 3 (Science):Animal Groups Workbook

World Windows 3 (Science):Animal Groups Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

World Windows 1 (Social Studies):School Rules Workbook

World Windows 1 (Social Studies):School Rules Workbook

National Geographic •World Windows introduces young learners to essential themes and concepts in Science and Social St......more

英語歌謠Follow Me! 【BOOK 2】(12K彩色+1MP3)

英語歌謠Follow Me! 【BOOK 2】(12K彩色+1MP3)

快樂自然學習英文,就從歌謠開始! 《英語歌謠Follow Me!》選輯最耳熟能詳、琅琅上口的英美歌謠、韻文,讓孩童在歡唱之中自然熟記歌謠,不但能增進對英、美文化的瞭解,提高學習英語的興趣,也是訓練發音...more

英語歌謠Follow Me! 【BOOK 3】(12K彩色+1MP3)

英語歌謠Follow Me! 【BOOK 3】(12K彩色+1MP3)

快樂自然學習英文,就從歌謠開始! 《英語歌謠Follow Me!》選輯最耳熟能詳、琅琅上口的英美歌謠、韻文,讓孩童在歡唱之中自然熟記歌謠,不但能增進對英、美文化的瞭解,提高學習英語的興趣,也是訓練發音...more



《小毛蟲成長系列》3D動畫由美國暢銷作家陸可鐸(Max Lucado)的兒童故事改編,讓孩子在生動活潑的畫面和音樂中,學習合群守規定、做事有耐心、分享的快樂、尊重與接納的好品格。 得獎紀錄 美國國家親職中...more



Bon Bon Concepts系列,以故事帶孩子進入想像、歡樂與感官的概念世界。透過想像可愛概念圖畫書、互動概念學習遊戲、想像故事音樂劇、好聽又好玩的英語歌曲與韻文,再加入逗趣、生動又好學的蹦蹦唸謠動畫,...more

幼兒聽力練習 2(書+1CD)

幼兒聽力練習 2(書+1CD)

※專為幼兒所設計的必備聽力練習本 要培養好的英聽能力,就要從幼兒學習開始。 學習任何語言,「聽」皆是首要步驟,學習英語當然也不例外。本書是專門針對幼兒所設計的聽力練習,題型設計難易適中、便於...more
















Sing Along 第四輯:LLullabies & Chorals +1CD

Sing Along 第四輯:LLullabies & Chorals +1CD

Sing Along is a book series that comes in four volumes, each containing 15 classic songs or nursery rhymes familiar acro......more

Sing Along 第三輯:Animals & Adventures +1CD

Sing Along 第三輯:Animals & Adventures +1CD

Sing Along is a book series that comes in four volumes, each containing 15 classic songs or nursery rhymes familiar acro......more

Sing Along 第二輯:Dance & Sing +1CD

Sing Along 第二輯:Dance & Sing +1CD

Sing Along is a book series that comes in four volumes, each containing 15 classic songs or nursery rhymes familiar acro......more

Sing Along 第一輯:Learn & Grow +1CD

Sing Along 第一輯:Learn & Grow +1CD

Sing Along is a book series that comes in four volumes, each containing 15 classic songs or nursery rhymes familiar acro......more




Hip! Hip! Holidays 12中西節慶(無書,附VCD)

Hip! Hip! Holidays 12中西節慶(無書,附VCD)

超值中西節慶合輯:中國年、元宵節、情人節、復活節、母親節、端午節、父親節、中秋節、教師節、萬聖節、感恩節、聖誕節,12個節慶主題,12首美語歌曲、朗詩(含卡拉版),一次收錄。 VCD為節慶歌曲的律動...more

Animal Parade 動物合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)

Animal Parade 動物合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)


People Who Help Us 各行各業合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)

People Who Help Us 各行各業合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)


Fruit and Veggie 蔬果合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)

Fruit and Veggie 蔬果合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)




  • 維京,出版日期:2005-11-25

25首朗朗上口的經典英文童謠, 由著名的兒童合唱團The Countdown Kids演唱。 針對不同的童謠繪製而成的圖書,每頁都是一個故事哦! 內附英文童謠CD 小朋友可以快樂的邊歡唱邊學英文!...more



  • 維京,出版日期:2005-11-25

25首朗朗上口的經典英文童謠, 由著名的兒童合唱團The Countdown Kids演唱。 針對不同的童謠繪製而成的圖書,每頁都是一個故事哦! 內附英文童謠CD 小朋友可以快樂的邊歡唱邊學英文!...more

My School Day 校園生活篇(無書,附CD歌詞)

My School Day 校園生活篇(無書,附CD歌詞)

Good morning!帶著美好的心情起床囉!身體動一動,唱歌跳舞唸唸朗詩,準備好了上學去。本專輯描述小朋友一天的生活作息,藉由快樂的美語歌謠伴著孩子成長。...more

Let’s Party勁歌熱舞合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)

Let’s Party勁歌熱舞合輯(無書,附CD歌詞)





Hip! Hip! Holidays!節慶歌曲CD合輯

Hip! Hip! Holidays!節慶歌曲CD合輯





英文童謠Do Re Mi

英文童謠Do Re Mi





親子美語教室(12CD小盒精緻版) (中英對照)

親子美語教室(12CD小盒精緻版) (中英對照)




跟著《最受喜愛的英文兒歌》看一看,英語系國家的孩子們都唱什麼兒歌? 和Pussycat(小貓咪)來到倫敦看皇后,還在皇后椅子底下逮到一隻小老鼠。 來嘗嘗熱騰騰的豌豆糊,說說看你喜歡燙?還是喜歡涼呢? ...more

鵝媽媽經典童謠(附CD) (中英對照)

鵝媽媽經典童謠(附CD) (中英對照)

英文快樂啟蒙第一步,鵝媽媽經典童謠 「鵝媽媽童謠」是英文兒歌韻文的另一個名稱,它是自古迄今英美口傳童謠的精華。大多數英語系國家的孩子在學會閱讀或寫字之前,許多「鵝媽媽童謠」已朗朗上口。這些...more

念歌謠,學英文(書+CD) (中英對照)

念歌謠,學英文(書+CD) (中英對照)

‧中英對照的英語歌謠 ‧提供一般讀者賞析及學習 ‧可以當成英文課程的指定讀物或輔助教材 ‧簡單好念的英語歌謠 ‧生動流暢的中文翻譯 ‧清晰易讀的版面設計 ‧133則中英對照的英語歌謠,英文句子文法簡單,琅琅...more

