The beloved relationship coach, teacher, and host of the top relationship podcast Jillian on Love reveals nine core trut......more
From the author of I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck, the Angry Therapist, an honest guide to breaking up and breaking throu......more
This is not your standard sex book. Sex therapist, sociologist, and Psychology Today contributor Dr. Marty Klein goes be......more
An intimate look inside a silent epidemic that is harming teens and how parents can help them reclaim the restorative po......more
A thought-provoking and moving investigation into India as a society in transition through the lens of forbidden love, a......more
Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, recovering from childbirth, or raising children, this newly updated classi......more
Vex King s brand-new paperback re-working of Closer to Loveis for anyone looking to harness the power of the universe, a......more
A good question, in theory, but expert couple s therapist Julie Menanno wants you to ask a slightly different one: what ......more
Bobby Griffith was an all-American boy ...and he was gay. Faced with an irresolvable conflict-for both his family and hi......more
Good, wholesome, humorous . . . and retro . . . advice for husbands and wives, and brides and grooms from Ladies’ Homema......more
ADHD is a childhood epidemic. By some estimates, 5 percent or more of the school-age children in the U.S. have been diag......more
How do mothers reconcile conflicting loyalties--to their religious traditions, and to the daughters whose freedoms are a......more
Adolescence can be a challenging period for youths, especially in today s world, where the ancient rites of passage that......more
If we want to resist the urge to blame our spouses for relationship difficulties, where do we start? According to Dr. P.......more
Many people believe that AIDS has moved from being the gay men s disease it was thought to be during the 1980s and ear......more
Suffering is everywhere around us--from our personal experiences of illness, old age, and loss, to the public calamities......more
Respected psychologist Dr. Brad Sachs helps parents to recognize their unrealistic expectations for their teenagers and ......more
This manual provides essential information for persons wishing to conduct SENG Model parent support groups for parents o......more
Frankenstein is identified as gifted, while Pinocchio has trouble thinking logically. In this book, Gary A. Davis, Ph.D.......more
Featured on Oprah, this book shows, step-by-step, how to end conflict and restore love in any relationship. You will lea......more
Sit up straight so your tummy doesn t hang out. Thin is always in. You look so much prettier when you smile. Guys like g......more
Your Dreams Are Still AliveThe decisions we make from our heart, using good guidance and information, are often the best......more
The shocking story of how exceptionally violent abuse turned one girl to desperate self-harm before turning her life aro......more
Raising Brandon has become a manual for parents who have children with autism and special needs. The book informs, educa......more
This presents effective techniques for resolving disputes. This excellent source can serve as a basic training manual fo......more
Romy Miller is a woman. She understands women. Now, she can help you do the same. Understanding Women: The Definitive Gu......more
As we face the complexities of the dawning age, spiritually advanced souls are being born to usher in a prophesied time ......more
Gina Ford has helped thousands of families resolve challenges over the years and in this life-saving new book, she offer......more
I want to show you our world as it is now: the door, the floor, the water tap and the sink, the garden chair close to th......more
Two out of every five people in the U.S. regard themselves as shy. Yet, shyness can be cured, says Dr. Philip Zimbardo......more
Dear Friend, This book teaches you the hidden secrets to completely understand women. It covers both the dating world an......more
Selected from the book Making Babies by Anne Enright VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS. Also in th......more
The number of sexual abuse disclosures by children has been increasing at a steady rate. Therapists are faced with the d......more
There are all types of families...what truly makes up a family is love... In BABY GOT LOST, Nikki is upset when her dog ......more
No Regrets Parenting is a book for busy parents in our busy times. Juggling family and professional lives is not a cours......more
Politics, Death and Addiction tells how an active Member of Parliament, psychologist and mother became addicted to alcoh......more
As teens, Otis and Terrell were boyfriends. But their relationship was torn apart by Terrell s father and his pastor cau......more
A brilliant new novel about love and marriage in the modern world - from the author the bestselling novel Essays in Love......more
"The author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time returns with an updated guide for today’s g......more
First published in 1982. A decade ago the psychological literature contained few pieces on fathers and fathering. The fa......more
Why do: · Dutch babies seem so content, and sleep so well? · Dutch parents let their kids play outside on their own?......more
Taking its title from William Carlos Williams s poem Complaint, Night Is a Room is one of the more audacious jaw-drop......more
Updated to commemorate its 20th anniversary, this classic resource further explores the effects of grief and sheds new l......more
A Simple, Positive Approach to Correcting Oppositional Behavior in Young Children Sara is a well-meaning little girl, bu......more
Sara is a well-meaning little girl, but her mischievous behavior eventually lands her in time-out. Sara s parents come u......more
From a young age, Jennifer Field was in love with horses and riding. Blessed with natural talent, she was headed for the......more
The question Mark and Jan Foreman are most often asked is: How did you raise your kids? Never Say No takes you on a pers......more
We all know the stereotype of the Jewish mother: Hectoring, guilt-inducing, clingy as a limpet. In Mamaleh Knows Best, T......more
Love and marriage are two of the greatest gifts life has to offer, yet too many marriages fail because couples don t ful......more
Cure your kids of the entitlement epidemic so they develop happier, more productive attitudes that will carry them into ......more
你想對過往的戀人說些什麼? 知名YouTuber號召超過100個國家、15,000名讀者 透過Twitter 和 Instagram等媒介分享並集結成書 獻給分手情人的戀人絮語 This Modern Love is a unique ......more
The new updated edition of Children, Youth and Development explores the varied ways in which global processes in the for......more
Advice for raising resourceful, resilient, and responsible children--based on the latest child development research. Su......more
What Is He Really Thinking? When a woman begins a relationship with a man, she may think she s found her knight in shini......more
Two renowned neuroscientists and pioneers in documenting the benefits of Transcendental Meditation give parents a guided......more
Against a backdrop of highways, diners, and cheap coffee, one couple finds peace through the redemptive power of love. T......more
New York Times Bestseller! A provocative manifesto that exposes the harms of helicopter parenting and sets forth an alte......more
Just as there are three dimensions of the physical world (height, width and depth), there are three dimensions of the in......more
Winner of the Autism Society of America s Dr. Temple Grandin Award for the Outstanding Literary Work in Autism A groundb......more
This is a love story from start to finish, Irene and Rachael s. Based on the diaries of Rachael Dixey who looked after h......more
This book considers the principal physical and psychological ideas and thoughts of what happens to parents from the mome......more
Author has a strong social media platform to promote book using websites and Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Linked In.......more
In 2010 approximately 15 percent of all new marriages in the United States were between spouses of different racial, eth......more
Using video microanalysis--which captures moment-to-moment sequences of interactions--Beatrice Beebe and her colleagues ......more