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Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine,9E

Ettinger’s Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine,9E

超過45年的獸醫內科學聖經! 臨床獸醫師們最佳臨床工具書!!!涵蓋Gold Standard醫學問題的犬貓診斷與治療! Now Ettinger’s trusted, all-in-one veterinary resource i......more

Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 9E

Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 9E

醫事檢驗師國家考試指定參考書!! Master clinical lab testing skills with the condensed version of the Tietz Textbook! Designed for use......more

Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume Set, International Edition, 27E

Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume Set, International Edition, 27E

超過95年的內科醫學教科書聖經!!! 從醫學生、住院醫師到主治醫師必備。 For more than 95 years, Goldman-Cecil Medicine has been the authoritative sour......more

Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 16E

Krause and Mahan’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 16E

膳食營養學必備教科書! Provide optimal nutritional care with the latest guidelines to evidence-based practice!Krause and Mahan’s ......more

Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing,12E

Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing,12E

全球領先的內外科護理學教科書! 以對話式的寫作風格、對護理概念和臨床趨勢的關注、基於實證的內容及病理生理學複習,在快速變化的醫療環境中所需的基礎提供堅實的支持。 Gain the knowledge and skil...more



美國Amazon五星滿分之作★★★★★ 超過2000筆盛讚書評! 後疫情時代最佳親子共讀繪本 寶寶醫學院:疫苗小小兵 疫苗讓世界上的大人跟小孩都健健康康,究竟是怎麼辦到的呢? 生病的時候,我們身體裡的...more

Fundamentals of Nursing, 11E

Fundamentals of Nursing, 11E

基礎護理學為您準備了完整的護理技術與臨床發展概念,教導您絕佳的護理基礎。 Learn the concepts and skills and develop the clinical judgment you need to prov......more
