
  • Ruth Symons



紙藝機關知識書:恐龍 Paper World: Dinosaurs

紙藝機關知識書:恐龍 Paper World: Dinosaurs

Paper World: Dinosaurs uses ingenious paper cuts to reveal the wonders of the prehistoric planet, from towering dinosaur......more

紙藝機關知識書:海洋 Paper World: Ocean

紙藝機關知識書:海洋 Paper World: Ocean

★ 榮獲英國科學教育協會(ASE)年度讀者票選優勝 ★ 3D立體浮雕紙藝、30 x 21公分超大精裝開本、30個翻頁機關 ★ 滿滿的海洋知識,大人小孩都讚嘆! 得獎紙藝藝術家Gail Armstrong讓還楊知識,變得超立體!從...more

紙藝機關知識書:人體 Paper World: Human Body

紙藝機關知識書:人體 Paper World: Human Body

★ 入圍英國科學教育協會(ASE)年度童書大獎決選名單 ★ 3D立體浮雕紙藝、33 x 23公分超大精裝開本、40個翻頁機關 ★ 滿滿的人體奧秘知識,大人小孩都讚嘆! 得獎紙藝藝術家Gail Armstrong讓人體科學知識,變...more

I thought I saw a... Crocodile!

I thought I saw a... Crocodile!

This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They ll love joining in with a game of hide-and......more

I thought I saw a... Panda!

I thought I saw a... Panda!

This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They ll love joining in with a game of hide-and......more

A Year in the Wild

A Year in the Wild

Discover the four seasons in spell-binding detail, brought to life in art made entirely from pressed flowers and leaves.......more

Sea Lights

Sea Lights

夜遊插畫家卡羅萊納‧拉貝(Carolina Rabei)的全新暖心繪本,帶領孩子們經歷一場美妙的海上旅程! 「晚上我們駛過漆黑的大海, 我和我的父親,坐在我們的小紅船上。 我們丟下網子,在黑暗中等待, 星...more

Pop Inside: Animal Homes

Pop Inside: Animal Homes

蜜蜂、兔子、織巢鳥、海狸、小丑魚、蝙蝠, 翻翻機關+立體設計,生動呈現六種可愛小動物的家, 讓孩子邊遊戲邊學習關於動物的豐富知識! 蜜蜂忙著採蜜回到蜂窩,但神秘的蜂窩長得什麼樣呢?裡面有一隻...more

I thought I saw a... Monkey!

I thought I saw a... Monkey!

本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They ll love joining in ......more

I thought I saw a... Penguin!

I thought I saw a... Penguin!

你看到企鵝了嗎?他躲在哪裡呢?嗯,我想我看到他了! 這本小巧的硬頁推拉書畫風可愛,透過反覆不斷地練習同一個句型, 讓孩子自然而然學會英語,是大人小孩都會喜歡的多功能遊戲書! 我想我看到一隻企鵝了...more

紙藝機關知識書:地球 Paper World: Planet Earth

紙藝機關知識書:地球 Paper World: Planet Earth

Planet Earth uses ingenious paper cuts to reveal the amazing details of our planet, from bubbling volcanoes to rushing r......more

I thought I saw an…Elephant!

I thought I saw an…Elephant!

本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They’ll love joining in ......more

I thought I saw a... Bear!

I thought I saw a... Bear!

本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They’ll love joining in ......more

A Year in the Wild

A Year in the Wild

Take a journey through the seasons in this beautiful book, made entirely from hand-pressed plants. Artist Helen Ahporn......more

I thought I saw a... dinosaur!

I thought I saw a... dinosaur!

This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They ll love joining in with a game of hide-and......more

I thought I saw a... lion!

I thought I saw a... lion!

本商品為硬頁書 (Board Book) This silly but stylish slider book is sure to give little ones a giggle. They’ll love joining in ......more

The Story of Life: Evolution

The Story of Life: Evolution

This new extended edition of Story of Life is the perfect gift for those with a love of the natural world. Wander the ga......more

Sticker Safari: Ocean

Sticker Safari: Ocean

Discover the jungles of the world in this delightfully silly sticker book, illustrated by Mariana Ruiz Johnson. From the......more

Sticker Safari: Jungle

Sticker Safari: Jungle

Discover the jungles of the world in this delightfully silly sticker book, illustrated by Mariana Ruiz Johnson. From the......more

Alphamals A-Z

Alphamals A-Z

There s an animal for every letter of the alphabet in this stunning collection of poems and prints. Graham Carter s Alph......more

Little Christmas Tree

Little Christmas Tree

One white and snowy night, a little Christmas tree stands alone in the forest. Everything is white and lifeless. As the ......more