As one of the free gifts provided by the activity,Books Coins allows members to get a discount when shopping on the official website during the activity period (which is inapplicable to the ticket service online). A point of Books Coins can be redeemed for a NT$1 discount.
※The effective date of Books Coins is subject to the My account .
抵用辦法 Redemption Method
使用方式 Instruction for use
購物金於發送時將直接存入會員「會員專區」內,您可至 「優惠 / 帳戶餘額」下 「購物金」 項目中查詢。
Since the Books Coins will be directly deposited into the member's "My Account" when sent out, you may check it in the "Books Coins" option under the "Discount/Account Balance".
您可至 「會員專區」“優惠 / 帳戶餘額” 下 “購物金” 項目中查詢,另建議您訂閱「購物金生效/到期提醒通知函」。
You may check it in the "Books Coins" option under the "Discount/Account Balance"the My Account.It is also advised that you subscribe to the "Books Coins effective/expiry notification letter".
每筆待生效購物金的生效日期視活動類型有所不同 :
The effective date of each Books Coins varies depending on the type of activity
Get Books Coins for a specific product bought: 21 days after the product is collected and not returned.
Ge tBooks Coins for a specific amount of order made: 21 days after the event products in the order are all shipped, collected, and not returned.
◎例:書籍館舉辦滿2,000元送200點購物金活動,假設訂單狀況如下: 會員此筆訂單可獲得200點待生效購物金。 會員已取商品A+C,總金額合計為1600元→待商品B與E出貨後,依最後出貨的活動商品(出貨日+21天)後購物金將轉為可用狀態。
For example, the online bookstore held an activity of 200 points of Books Coins for every NT$2,000 purchase made. Assuming the order status is as follows: The member can get 200 points of Books Coins for the order placed. Suppose the member has already collected product A+C, with a total amount of NT$1,600, the purchase price will take effect according to the last event product shipped (shipping day+21 days) after the goods B and E are shipped.
商品代號 | 是否為活動商品 | 金額 | 訂單狀態 |
A | 是 | 400 | 已出貨 |
B | 是 | 200 | 調貨中 |
C | 是 | 1200 | 已出貨 |
D | 否 | 600 | 調貨中 |
E | 是 | 400 | 調貨中 |
合計 | 2800 |
您可至 「會員專區」“優惠 / 帳戶餘額” 下 “購物金” 項目中查詢,另建議您可登錄「會員專區」後,進入「會員信件訂閱管理」即可訂閱「購物金生效/到期提醒通知函」。
You may check it in the "Books Coins" option under the "Discount/Account Balance" at the My Account. It is also advised that you sign in to the "member section" and enter "member mail subscription management" to subscribe to the " Book Coins effective/expiry notification letter".
The Books Coins can only be used by the member when making purchases on website according to the gift voucher credit method, and cannot be transferred to any third party. Also, you may not ask to combine the Books Coins of different member accounts.
Within 3 working days after canceling the order due to personal factors, we will refund the equivalent Books Coins used for the product and the validity period will remain unchanged.
若因商品缺貨,博客來需為會員取消訂單商品,該商品之抵扣購物金點數將依原效期退還 ,除了取消訂單當日購物金效期僅剩下7天內及購物金已過期者,購物金將自動延展10天,例:原先購物金到期日為2022/6/20,6/18缺貨取消訂單,6/18完成訂單取消,則購物金生效日為6/18,到期日為6/28。
If the product is out of stock and cancels the order for the member, the Books Coins for the product will be refunded according to the original validity period. Except for the Books Coins with only 7 days remaining on the day of cancellation and the Books Coins has expired, the Books Coins will be automatically extended for 10 days. For example, suppose the expiry date for the Books Coins is originally 2022/6/20. However, since the product is out of stock on 6/18, the order made on 6/18 is canceled. In this case, the effective date of the Books Coins is extended from 6/18 to 6/28.
Within 3 working days after receiving the refund confirmation notice due to personal factors, we will refund the equivalent Books Coins used for the product and the validity period will remain unchanged.
If the product is returned due to defects, the Books Coins for the product will be refunded according to the original validity period within 3 working days after receiving the refund confirmation notice.Except for the Books Coins with only 7 days remaining on the day of the refund confirmation notice and the Books Coins has expired, the Books Coins will be automatically extended for 10 days. For example, suppose the expiry date for the Books Coins is originally 2022/6/20. However, since the product is returned on 6/16, a refund confirmation notice is received on 6/18. In this case, the effective date of the Books Coins is extended from 6/18 to 6/28.
請參考 購物金施行細則。
Please refer to the enforcement rules of Books Coins.