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Beats me 考倒我了

Ray:Wait, which chapter are we on again? I can hardly understand the professor!

Crown:Beats me, I don't even know which textbook I'm supposed to use.

這句的動詞beat是「打敗」的意思,所以beats me字面上就是「被打敗了」。不過一定要加s,如果是beat me意思會變成「你來打我啊」。

Don't bail on me 不要放我鳥        

Ray:See you tonight.

Crown:Don't bail on me. You'll be sorry if you did.



Go for it!     加油

Xiang:I'm gonna go ask for her number.

Ray:Go for it! I want to see you get slapped.

加油真的是一個很難翻譯成英文的說法,Go for it只包含其中「去做吧」的層面。還有Hang in there「撐著點」、I'm rooting for you「我挺你」、More power to you「幫你打氣」等,都可翻譯成加油。

You're not my type 你不是我的菜

Xiang:What do you think of me?
Crown:You're really nice and considerate and reliable, and not my type.

Type就是「你喜歡的類型」,所以not my type就是「不是我的菜」。


Aren't you great 啊不就好棒棒

Ray:Look, I landed a perfect toss into the trash bin.

Crown:Aren't you great.

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