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I couldn't care less     關我屁事

Crown:Did you see the pictures I took when I was traveling in Europe?

Ray:Wow you know what? I couldn't care less.

I don't care是一個大家都知道的講法,這句的意思更直白、更接近「我不在乎的程度已經無法再低了」。

PART4 職場30滴

I'm done for 我死定了

Crown:I just lost a huge client. I'm done for...

Ray:So that's why the boss is in a bad mood today.

這句的動詞done for搭配一起出現,就不是「做完」,而是「完蛋」的意思。不要跟I'm done混淆囉。

PART5 日常30滴

Now we're talking 這才像話嘛

Ray:If I do all your chores, will you get me her number?

Crown:Now we're talking.


You crack me up 你超好笑    

Ray:I'm looking good today!

Crown:Dude, you crack me up.

這句的動詞crack是「裂開」,為什麼是好笑的意思呢?這是因為crack someone up的意思是讓人哈哈大笑,裂開的是嘴巴!
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