The Easy Guide to Avoiding Errors in English(20K)

The Easy Guide to Avoiding Errors in English(20K)

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  Your Easy Guide to Avoiding Errors in English is a simple-to-use and dictionary-like grammar book. It is a valuable book to help you prepare for taking the TOEFL and other English tests. You can use it as a powerful tool to find quick answers when you are having difficulty with your English.

  The authors of this book have been teaching, writing, and proofreading for several decades. They want to help you avoid mistakes and improve your English.

  This book shows you the most common errors in English and gives you clear explanations about how to correct them. It also offers you interesting examples of how English grammar is used in the real world. It explains vocabulary, easily confused words, idioms, spelling, formal and informal styles, and many of the differences between American and British English.

  You know that proper English grammar saves time and money.

  You want to communicate effectively by following the rules of English.

  You want to use formal English on tests and in formal letters.

  You want practical suggestions to improve your English.

  You want useful examples from a dictionary-like grammar book.

  You are serious about avoiding errors when using English.

  You will quickly find needed answers in Your Easy Guide to Avoiding Errors in English.



  • ISBN:9789861846170
  • 叢書系列:英語叢書
  • 規格:平裝 / 640頁 / 16 x 23 x 3.2 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 【語言學習(文學)】當代文學經典書展|【反抗文化經典】《在路上》特價199元







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