引證(甲):「趁著這附近熱帶海域夏天難得涼爽的溫和天氣,同時也為了預期中即將展開的激烈追獵行動,渾身髒汙與水泡的老鐵匠伯斯並未把他那可拆卸的熔爐再度搬回貨艙……」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第559頁第一段。) (「Availing himself of the mild, summer-cool weather that now reigned in these latitudes, and in preparation for the peculiarly active pursuits shortly to be anticipated, Perth, the begrimed, blistered old blacksmith, had not removed his portable forge to the hold again……」,Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.) 由上,已知鐵匠叫做「伯斯(Perth)」。 可能有誤的譯文條列如下: (1)「也算鐵匠自己活該,耽誤了時辰……在此序幕揭開後,四幕喜劇一幕接一幕地降臨木匠身上……」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第559頁最後一段。) (Belated, and not innocently, one bitter winter's midnight, on the road running between two country towns, the blacksmith half-stupidly felt the deadly numbness stealing over him, and sought refuge in a leaning, dilapidated barn. The issue was, the loss of the extremities of both feet. Out of this revelation, part by part, at last came out the four acts of the gladness, and the one long, and as yet uncatastrophied fifth act of the grief of his life's drama.)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.) (2)「木匠老了,年近耳順……」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第560頁第一段。) (He was an old man, who, at the age of nearly sixty……)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.) (3)「無家可歸也沒有妻小的老木匠穿著黑紗喪服蹣跚離去,流浪四方……」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第560頁第三段。) (……and the houseless, familyless old man staggered off a vagabond in crape……)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.) (4)這聲聲呼喚從東到西,從早到晚都能聽見,於是老木匠的靈魂被打動了。好啊!我來了!因此伯斯就上了補鯨船了囉。」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第560頁最後一段。) (Hearkening to these voices, East and West, by early sunrise, and by fall of eve, the blacksmith's soul responded, Aye, I come! And so Perth went a- whaling.)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.) (5)「……大人,叫老木匠伯斯來把兩隻手釘在一起吧……」(《白鯨記》第115章:第125章:計程儀繩,第601頁第二段。) (……sir, let old Perth now come and rivet these two hands together……)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 125. The Log and Line.) 以上譯文中的「木匠」應該為「鐵匠」才是。 既使(1)、(2)、(3)還有討論的空間(?),(4)與(5)一定是有誤的。 另外一個小疑問是: 「……他曾是一位手藝精湛的知名匠人,手頭總有很多工作,有房舍、有花園,深愛他的嫩妻年紀可當他女兒,三個臉色紅潤的嬰孩天真歡快。」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第560頁第一段。) (He had been an artisan of famed excellence, and with plenty to do; owned a house and garden; embraced a youthful, daughter-like, loving wife, and three blithe, ruddy children……)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.) 「……孩子的媽長眠於教堂旁墓地的蔓草間。兩個孩子也在母親之後相繼離世。無家可歸也沒有妻小的老木匠穿著黑紗喪服蹣跚離去,流浪四方……」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第560頁第三段。) 鐵匠伯斯有老婆和三個孩子,老婆死了,兩個小孩在老婆後也相繼離世,然後鐵匠就「沒有妻小」了。疑問是:第三個小孩呢?在他老婆死前就離世了嗎?好像沒有交代。作者好像也不想說太明:「有必要把整個故事說完嗎?」(《白鯨記》第112章:鐵匠,第560頁第三段。)(Why tell the whole?)(Moby Dick ,CHAPTER 112. The Blacksmith.)