
Deer Bleating Sound Yo Yo

Deer Bleating Sound Yo Yo

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  • 優惠價:9522
  • 本商品單次購買10本85折493
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  My description of events related to myself in "Deer Bleating Sound Yo Yo" belongs to biographical literature.The first unit of this book is "The Story of the Countryside People", mainly written in prose. The second unit is "Behold a Rainbow", which is mainly expressed in the form of novels, and the names of people in it are generally not using real names. The content of the first unit includes: the environment of traditional villages, the cultural habits of the countryside, and childhood memories; Not only praises the bright and simple side, but also exposes the ugly and filthy side; I expressed clear opinions on issues such as good and evil in the human heart. The second unit, "Behold a Rainbow" is a self-narration of my emotional experiences while studying for a master's degree. Most of this content was written in 1984, and the manuscript has remained idle. It wasn’t until next year (2024) that I was turning 65 and ready to retire that I decided to make it public now. In addition to documenting the development of the event, my view on love is also presented, stating that "Be sincere and follow through to the end". Even though it may differ from the popular values among young people nowadays, insisting on treating love as one of the sacred aspirations has provided examples worth borrowing and reflecting on.


Lin Yeh Lien
  Lin Yeh Lian was born in Mingjian Township, Nantou County in February of the 48th year of the Republic of China (1959). He has a doctorate in literature from the Chinese Culture University and is a disciple of Master Pan Chonggui. He is the author of "History of the Study of the Book of Songs" , "The Scholarship of the Book of Songs" , "Continuation of the Academic Study of the Book of Songs" , "Collected Essays on the Exploration of Chinese Studies" , "Selected Articles of Liu Xiang" , "Ancient Mirrors for Self-cultivation and Self-Encouragement" , "A Study of Ancient Chinese Characters in Shuowen". He served as the director of the Sinology Institute of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and a visiting guest at Inner Mongolia University professor. Currently, he is a professor at the Institute of Sinology, Yunlin University of Science and Technology.


Author's Preface | 03
Part 1: The Story of the Countryside People | 09
1. The Hometown of Deer | 10
(1) A place for salt merchants to breathe a sigh of relief.......10
(2) Renamed from Lukuit to Luming ....................................11
2. Villagers' Lives | 12
(1) Simple and hardworking villagers....................................12
(2) 18 Bend Ancient Road .....................................................14
(3) The Competition between Chinese and Japanese.............15
(4) Jintian Temple and Hulu Pond .........................................20
(5) My Rural Childhood ........................................................24
3. Greed, anger, and delusion within the clan | 31
4. Happy New Residence | 38
5. Feng Shui and Family Luck | 44
6. Experience the supernatural | 48
7. Things change and stars shift | 57
8. Hope deer come again | 59
9. The spirit of hard work | 70
Part 2: Behold A Rainbow | 75
Chapter 1 Listening to the speech and meeting Feng Qing | 76
Chapter 2 Discovery | 80
Chapter 3 First Date | 82
Chapter 4 Collision with a Wall | 89
Chapter 5 Who said the Yellow River is vast, but a small boat can cross it | 92
Chapter 6 Brings Her Beautiful Memories | 94
Chapter 7 Economic Topics | 96
Chapter 8 Destruction | 100
Chapter 9 Please Choose | 108
Chapter 10 Conflict | 118
Chapter 11 Moving to accommodation on the mountain | 122
Chapter 12 Third Party | 131
Chapter 13 Swearing | 133
Chapter 14 Two Weeks | 136
Chapter 15 Termination | 142
Chapter 16 Suspicious | 149
Chapter 17 Playing Basketball | 153
Chapter 18 New Semester | 158
Chapter 19 Beautiful photo | 163
Chapter 20 To Annoy the Benefactor | 169
Chapter 21 Tired but futile | 175
Chapter 22: Family Emotions Near Collapse | 180
Chapter 23 Gradually Becoming Clear | 188
Chapter 24 Hospitalization and Vase | 201
Chapter 25 Letters Expressing Sincere Feelings | 208
Chapter 26 Before and After Oral Exam | 213
Chapter 27 Shock | 215
Chapter 28 Second Date | 219
Chapter 29 Completing Military Service and Attending a Doctoral Program | 226
Chapter 30 The deadline for choosing a spouse has arrived | 229
Chapter 31 Marry | 230
Chapter 32 Confirmation of Constellation Views | 235
Chapter 33 New Stage, New Journey | 241
Postscript | 245


  • ISBN:9786267161876
  • 叢書系列:人文叢書
  • 規格:平裝 / 248頁 / 17 x 23 x 1.4 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣


Part 1: The Story of the Countryside People
1. The Hometown of Deer
(1) A place for salt merchants to breathe a sigh of relief
Luming, formerly known as Lukuit, was located in Buxia Village, Mingjian Township, Nantou County. Buxia Village is composed of two major villages, the eastern half is Buxia with lower terrain; the western half is Luming with a relatively high terrain.
Since ancient times, "people will not go hundreds of miles to sell firewood, nor will they go thousands of miles to sell rice", because people do not engage in unprofitable transactions. However, salt is an irreplaceable daily necessity, so salt merchants must set off from Lugang in Changhua and work hard to carry salt to sell in the Nantou area, even deep into mountainous, like Puli. On the way, there is a resting place for merchants, where many people are used to replacing worn-out straw sandals. Over time, a small hill of straw sandals is formed, which is why this place is called "Grass Shoes Dun", which is today's Caotun.
Nantou County is famous for its many mountains, salt merchants from Lugang must travel long distances and cross mountains and ridges; Although facing the lush green mountains, most of them have no intention of watching. They only know that for the sake of life and sales, no matter how deep mountains and wild fields are worth moving forward. The business route always twists and turns along the foot of the mountain, which is generally not particularly difficult; However, shortly after departing from Changhua County, when they arrived at Qingshui Rock in Shetou Township, they had to face a severe test.




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  • 遠流領券
  • 麥田領券
  • 奇科幻小說展_套書特談(7/26-7/29)