
Maurice Sendak: A Celebration of the Artist and His Work

Maurice Sendak: A Celebration of the Artist and His Work

  • 定價:1710

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  • 【主題繪本控】愈翻閱愈驚奇,不可錯過的10位繪本藝術家


    OKAPI總是送來最難的題材,這回說要做專題,讓我絞盡腦汁。雖然我也喜歡偷偷小作怪,但還不到能大作怪的能力。所以想了這個「愈翻閱愈驚奇──不可錯過的10位繪本藝術家」的主題,介紹幾位最不怕麻煩的繪本家。就是製作過程與所需技巧的精細繁複,讓他們無法做太多書,但本本精彩!當我們越瞭解作者的 more




  除了桑塔克難得一見的繪圖手稿、海報與劇院設計圖外,書中還收錄十二位知名學者與歷史學家談論莫里斯‧桑塔克的文章,包括繪本作家Leonard S. Marcus、《鵝媽媽經典童謠》編者、當代平面設計理論家Steven Heller 、大師級插畫家Paul O. Zelinsky 等。另一方面,童書權威Justin G. Schiller與Dennis M. V. David亦不吝提供多年來的珍貴收藏,將莫里斯‧桑塔克早期的作品與大家一同分享。


The preeminent children''s book artist of the twentieth century, Maurice Sendak and his sixty-year career are celebrated in this full-color catalog of more than two hundred images being exhibited at the Society of Illustrators in New York City from June 11-August 17, 2013. Accompanied by twelve essays by such noted scholars and historians as Leonard S. Marcus, Iona Opie, Steven Heller, and Paul O. Zelinsky, Maurice Sendak: A Celebration of the Artist and His Work showcases the collection of Justin G. Schiller and Dennis M. V. David, prominent authorities on Sendak''s artwork, and is a deeply personal and thoughtful tribute to a seminal artist whose singular vision has captured the imaginations of countless children and grown-ups throughout the world.

Praise for Maurice Sendak: A Celebration of the Artist and His Work

"A must-have for Sendak fans." --BookPage.com



JUSTIN G. SCHILLER is a collector and rare book dealer (Justin G. Schiller Ltd. is the oldest specialist in antiquarian children’s books). He was one of the principal founders of the International Wizard of Oz Club in 1957 (in 1956, at the age of twelve, his collection of L. Frank Baum Oz books went on exhibit at Columbia University for the centenary of the author’s birth). Schiller helped finance his college education by issuing rare-book catalogues from his dormitory. In 1964 he was one of two American undergraduates selected for an eight-week Shakespeare symposium at Stratford-on-Avon, graduating the following year with honors in English Renaissance literature. Schiller is the author of a number of journal and magazine articles, including "Sendak All Around" (2003), as well as the catalogue Sendak in Asia (1996), and the books Realms of Childhood (1983), Nonsensus (1988), Digging for Treasure: An Adventure in Appraising Rare and Collectible Children’s Books (1998), and Pioneering Collectible Children’s Books (2002). Since 1967 he has compiled catalogues for various museum exhibitions throughout the United States and the world.

DENNIS M. V. DAVID came to the United States from his native Philippines in 1980 for graduate studies toward a master’s degree in biology. Soon after, he was introduced to the world of rare children’s books and Maurice Sendak. He studied paper conservation and restoration, learned how to research and catalogue old books, and ultimately began doing rare-book appraisal. Following the death of Arnold Lobel and evaluating the artwork in his estate, David collaborated with Justin Schiller to create Battledore Ltd. in 1988 as a business promoting illustration art. The 2013 Maurice Sendak exhibition at the Society of Illustrators also celebrates the twenty-fifth anniversary of Battledore.

LEONARD S. MARCUS is among the leading authorities on children’s books and their creators. His own award-winning books include Margaret Wise Brown: Awakened by the Moon; Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom; Minders of Make-Believe; The Annotated Phantom Tollbooth; and Show Me a Story! A frequent contributor to the New York Times Book Review and the Horn BookMagazine, Marcus is a founding trustee of the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art and teaches a popular course on childr



  • ISBN:9781419708268
  • 規格:精裝 / 224頁 / 29.2 x 27.7 x 3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【藝術設計】易博士精選書展|單書88折、雙書85折、套書79折|作曲少女熱銷中!









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