Grandpa’s Hal-la-loo-ya Hambone!

Grandpa’s Hal-la-loo-ya Hambone!

  • 定價:454
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Joe Hayes’ mother knew how to stretch the family’s budget nearly as well as he streeeeeetches the truth for his Joe Hayes Tall Tales.

When Joe Hayes was a kid, money was real tight for his family. So tight that there was a whole year where all they could eat was beans. When Joe’s father was able to buy them a big, scrumptious hambone, they were so happy that they hollered "hal-la-loo-ya!" But the whole neighborhood got wind of the flavorful delicacy and wanted a taste too. Lucky for them, Joe’s mom was very neighborly, and she had some tricks up her sleeve. Way before anyone had even heard the words "reduce, reuse, recycle," Joe’s mom was a recycling pro, and knew how to squeeze every bit of usefulness out of everything. So, she got inventive about making that hambone last--and that’s when this Tall Tale gets even TALLER!



Joe Hayes is the author of over twenty books for children and young adults. His writing style is storytelling-tested and has its roots in the oral traditions of the American Southwest. Each summer, he delights children and adults alike with his summertime storytelling performances at Santa Fe’s Wheelwright Museum. The rest of the year finds him speaking to thousands of readers around the United States at schools, libraries, and conferences. His book Ghost Fever/Mal de Fantasma won the Texas Bluebonnet Award in 2007. Dance, Nana, Dance / Baila, Nana, Baila, his collection of folktales from Cuba, won the Aesop Prize in 2009. The New Mexico Library Association named Joe the Centennial Storyteller in 2010, a storyteller so good he only comes around once every 100 years!
Antonio Castro Lopez (L.) was born in Zacatecas, Mexico and has lived in the Juarez-El Paso area for most of his life. He has illustrated dozens of childrens’ books including Barry, the Bravest Saint Bernard (Random House), Pajaro Verde, The Treasure on Gold Street, The Day It Snowed Tortillas and The Gum-Chewing Rattler (Cinco Puntos Press). His artwork for My Tata’s Remedies/Los remedios de mi tata won a Pura Belpré Honor for illustration.



  • ISBN:9781941026557
  • 規格:平裝 / 32頁 / 27.4 x 21.1 x 0.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:3歲~7歲




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  • tarot
  • 繪本展
  • 心理