Liability-Driven Investment: From Analogue to Digital, Pensions to Robo-Advice

Liability-Driven Investment: From Analogue to Digital, Pensions to Robo-Advice

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Understand the investment template that dominates the pension industry

Liability-Driven Investment is the practitioner’s guide to this increasingly popular investment template. Already the dominant framework for pension schemes in Europe and the UK, the LDI market is expected to grow significantly with the shift from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution, and then into Digital Asset Management -- or Robo-Advice. With an aging population and significant under-saving globally, more and more finance professionals will need to know how to work within and around the LDI framework; this book provides clear explanations for the framework’s usefulness and growing popularity to help practitioners find their bearings in and around the LDI space.

The ultimate goal of LDI is to move beyond simple asset value maximisation and ensure that investors have sufficient funds to pay liabilities. This informative guide digs into that basic premise to show the various mechanisms, guidelines and practices that make up the framework’s "working parts."

  • Discover the optimal investment strategies in multiple assets classes
  • Understand the key characteristics of the instruments used, including bonds, interest rate derivatives, and inflation linked products
  • Learn why pension companies and individual investors are moving toward LDI
  • Explore the ways in which the explosive growth of Robo-Advice will change retail investment

Finance professionals have long been accustomed to shifting landscapes -- it is taken as a given that prevailing thought and attendant practices will change over time -- but the rapid expansion of LDI has taken many by surprise. Having already been established as the dominant framework for pensions, it is clear that the emphasis on LDI will only continue to grow. Liability-Driven Investment tells you what you need to know in order to work effectively with LDI.



Dan Tammas-Hastings is currently Head of Investment Research for RiskSave Technologies, Dan is a former finance professional turned FinTech entrepreneur. A graduate of both the LSE and the University of Cambridge, he is both a Chartered Financial Analyst and certified Financial Risk Manager. After a successful career as a Fixed Income trader/risk manager, where he managed multi-billion portfolios across credit and rates, he is now a thought-leader in Risk Management and has become a regular speaker globally on both Risk Management and Financial Innovation.



  • ISBN:9781119441953
  • 規格:精裝 / 113頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【醫療保健】高寶電子書全書系:我的人生主場秀!單書85折、三書79折,指定套書79折起









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