"在人盡過勞的世界裡,麥基昂的作品格外重要"---《紐約時報》暢銷作家Daniel H. Pink
"迎接這個恐懼、未知感、工作權責爆表的時代,本書來得正是時候"---Fair Play作者Eve Rodsky
- 將繁瑣的任務轉化為令人愉悅的日常儀式
- 在問題出現前解決問題以減少挫敗感
- 找到可持續的做事節奏,而不是堅持要一股作氣完成
- 聰明做對單次決定,減少未來得要面對的眾多選擇
- 消除非必要的做事步驟以簡化流程
- 讓關係更容易維持與經營
From the New York Times bestselling author of Essentialism comes a book devoted to a simple principle: getting great results doesn't have to be so hard.
Do you ever feel like
• things are so much harder than they need to be?
• you know something is important, yet struggle to get it done?
• you’re running faster but not moving closer to your goals?
• you’re teetering right on the edge of burnout?
We’ve been conditioned to believe that if we want to overachieve, we have to overexert, overthink, and overdo. That if we aren’t perpetually exhausted, we’re not doing enough. But lately, working hard feels harder than ever. And the more depleted we get, the more effort it takes to make progress. As a result, we’re often working twice as hard only to achieve half as much.
There is a better way: Instead of pushing yourself harder, you can choose an easier path. Effortless offers a wealth of simple strategies for making the most essential activities the easiest ones, so you can achieve the results you want, without burning out.
Step 1: Get into the Effortless State.
Clear the mental clutter that makes it hard to focus.
Step 2: Take Effortless Action.
Simplify your processes to make the important work easier to do.
Step 3: Achieve Effortless Results.
Choose activities that deliver the most results from the least effort.
The effortless way isn’t the lazy way. It’s the smart way. These days, it may even be the only way.
Not every hard thing in life can be made easy. But we can make it easier to do more of what matters most.