Finish To The Sky: The Authentic Tournament Winning Golf Swing Of Canadian Master Ball Striker Moe Norman, I Personally Experienced.

Finish To The Sky: The Authentic Tournament Winning Golf Swing Of Canadian Master Ball Striker Moe Norman, I Personally Experienced.

  • 作者: Lavern, Greg
  • 原文出版社:Greg Lavern
  • 出版日期:2016/04/27
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:838
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享


ABOUT THE AUTHOR GREG LAVERN Meeting Moe Norman in 1974 was totally awesome for continuous golf instruction where I was taught his authentic tournament winning golf swing throughout the seventies and eighties. During that era some forty-two years ago Moe needed a close friend. I was very fortunate as a young professional to be provided with this great opportunity to play and practice golf with the best ball striker in the world. It was exciting for me to author Finish to the Sky Volume two as a follow-up to my first book. With two books published should deliver a comfort of truth to all golfers about the man and his golf swing in honour of Moe Norman. Encouraged by Moe I spent some time with Canadian greats Al Balding and George Knudson who were two other great ball strikers with excellent golf swings and valuable knowledge. From my experience with these great Canadian legends I can honestly say these teachings are far beyond anything you will hear on the golf channel. My educational achievements consisted of a Bachelor of Arts Degree and Diploma in Public Administration from the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. I continued further study and sought a Diploma in Public Relations from Eastern College Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada later in life. With a keen interest for the martial arts this inspired me to reach the level of black belt in karate that is helpful for the golf’s mind and flexibility. Now at age sixty I still use the same golf swing Moe Norman taught me for many years. I enjoy a competitive round of golf, teaching dedicated players and particularly my daily practice sessions as I "Finish to the Sky" in memory of Moe Norman a trooper that played the game with heart the way it should be played.



  • ISBN:9780994886149
  • 規格:平裝 / 200頁 / 22.91 x 15.19 x 1.07 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 閱讀啟航計畫|台灣廣廈出版集團聯展,單書5折起,任選2書75折









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