
The Silence That Binds Us

The Silence That Binds Us

  • 作者: Ho,Joanna
  • 原文出版社:Harperteen
  • 出版日期:2022/06/14
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:684
  • 優惠價:73499
  • 優惠期限:2024年08月31日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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紐時暢銷繪本Eyes That Kiss in the Corners作者Joanna Ho首部小說,作者母親來自台灣,書中的台灣元素和典型的華裔家庭描述,讓讀者自然產生共鳴。故事透過一個經歷複雜情緒的青少年以及不斷的對話,探討種族、階級、失落與療癒,鼓勵所有人對抗權力。





  ★ 一本令人驚豔的YA小說,探討最敏感的種族、階級、失落、療癒問題
  ★ 台灣元素+典型華人家庭,讓台灣讀者讀到滿滿的熟悉感
  May 不是父母心中期待的女兒,她愛帽 T 勝過連身裙,而且她還夢想成為作家。哥哥丹尼就不一樣了,他剛被普林斯頓大學錄取,是爸媽的驕傲,但卻沒有人知道,丹尼一直為憂鬱症所苦,他在入學之前自殺身亡,讓 May 一家頓時支離破碎。
  更糟的是,當地的白人矽谷大亨公開指責丹尼自殺的原因在於亞裔家庭父母總是化身虎爸虎媽,讓子女承受過大壓力。憤怒又受傷的 May 為此寫了一首詩投稿當地報紙,挑戰這些醜陋的刻板印象,沒想到卻引發了一場關於種族主義的激烈辯論。
  母親的工作因為 May 的投稿受到威脅,父母要求她別再「惹事」,連她的華裔同學都指責May憑什麼為廣大的華裔族群發聲?May必須在壓力與大聲疾呼之間做出選擇,悲傷的她該如何找到自己的聲音,對抗這一切?
  本書是紐約時報暢銷繪本Eyes That Kiss in the Corners華裔作者Joanna Ho首本青少年小說,Joanna Ho的母親來自台灣,而故事中包含一系列的台灣元素和典型的華裔家庭描述,讓台灣讀者讀來自然產生共鳴。故事透過一個經歷複雜情緒的青少年以及不斷的對話,巧妙地探討種族、階級、失落與療癒問題,鼓勵所有人對抗權力。作者大膽觸及敏感的種族主義問題,提供許多值得令人深思的議題,是一本優美且值得一讀的小說。

"A grieving teen fights Asian hate by finding her voice in this complex, timely story." --Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

"With a layered, sensitive voice, Ho’s weighty novel delves into themes of racism, classism, loss, and healing." --Publishers Weekly (starred review)

"Inspired by the recent rise in hate crimes against AAPI, Ho’s story of inclusion, diversity, and social action rings true. Maybelline is a multifaceted narrator whose drive to right wrongs and stand up to injustice deserves applause. Ho illuminates both activism and mental health in marginalized communities, showing that even a bright, young achiever can experience depression without anyone knowing." --ALA Booklist

"A powerful, hopeful YA debut. May’s journey through personal and familial grief is poignant and questions of power and privilege are explored with nuance that will spark conversation among teen readers." --School Library Journal

"This sensitive novel does an impressive balancing act, examining mental illness and its stigma among Asian Americans while weaving in themes of racism and grief. The overarching messages--listening with empathy and seeking help--ring loud and clear." --TheHorn Book

Joanna Ho, New York Times bestselling author of Eyes That Kiss in the Corners, has written an exquisite, heart-rending debut young adult novel that will inspire all to speak truth to power.

Maybelline Chen isn’t the Chinese Taiwanese American daughter her mother expects her to be. May prefers hoodies over dresses and wants to become a writer. When asked, her mom can’t come up with one specific reason for why she’s proud of her only daughter. May’s beloved brother, Danny, on the other hand, has just been admitted to Princeton. But Danny secretly struggles with depression, and when he dies by suicide, May’s world is shattered.

In the aftermath, racist accusations are hurled against May’s parents for putting too much "pressure" on him. May’s father tells her to keep her head down. Instead, May challenges these ugly stereotypes through her writing. Yet the consequences of speaking out run much deeper than anyone could foresee. Who gets to tell our stories, and who gets silenced? It’s up to May to take back the narrative.

Joanna Ho masterfully explores timely themes of mental health, racism, and classism.

A Bank Street Books Best Children’s Book of the Year for ages 14 and older in Family/School/Community and noted for outstanding merit (2023)

A 2025 Evergreen Teen Book Award nominee

"An ornately carved window into the core of shared humanity. Read and reread. Then read it again." --Nic Stone, New York Times bestselling author of Dear Martin

"Powerful and piercing, filled with truth, love, and a heroine who takes back the narrative." --Abigail Hing Wen, New York Times bestselling author of Loveboat, Taipei

"A held-breath of a novel that finds courage amidst brokenness and holds a candle to the dark." --Stacey Lee, New York Times bestselling author of The Downstairs Girl

"Ho confronts racism with care and nuance, capturing the complexities of grief and growth. A poignant call to action." --Randy Ribay, National Book Award finalist for Patron Saints of Nothing



  • ISBN:9780063059344
  • 規格:精裝 / 448頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【文學小說-華文創作】尋山人|延伸漫畫書單,單書88折,雙書85折









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