切割成上下頁的翻書設計,讓孩子盡情翻看、尋找海面上下的新奇事物。從陽光普照的沙灘到最黑暗的海底深處,《Above and Below: Sea and Shore》帶小小讀者徜徉兩種世界,紅樹林、珊瑚礁、河口生物甚至是極地海洋與深海,全都一覽無遺。
Turn the pages to discover the incredible creatures and plants that lie below the ocean blue. From magnificent mangrove forests and colourful coral reefs to exciting estuaries and the dangerous deep sea, there is so much to explore.
With superb split pages and new habitat on every spread, little learners can peek behind part of the scene to learn more about the wildlife which hides behind.
Beautiful illustrations and fascinating facts bring a watery world to life. This in-depth look at our oceans is perfect for young nature enthusiasts.