

Development and evaluation of new methods for automating experiments with C. elegans based on active vision

Development and evaluation of new methods for automating experiments with C. elegans based on active vision

The tiny nematode, C. elegans, plays a big role in biological research. But studying their behavior, lifespan, and respo......more

Hormones and Heredity - A Discusion of the Evolution of Adaptations and the Evolution of Species

Hormones and Heredity - A Discusion of the Evolution of Adaptations and the Evolution of Species

To respond to specific stimulation in the body, hormones are secreted and the desired message is sent to the target cell......more

Curing Floaters and Detachments Naturally: A Simple Guide to Getting Rid of Those Pesky Specks That Affect Your Vision

Curing Floaters and Detachments Naturally: A Simple Guide to Getting Rid of Those Pesky Specks That Affect Your Vision

As we age, we all become increasingly susceptible to seeing a recurring parade of spots or streaks appear before our eye......more



