

商品常見問題 相關問題

商品常見問題 相關問題

訂購時是否能指定書的版本或雜誌封面 Can I specify the book edition or magazine cover when ordering? TOP


The book information and pictures on the Book Your Life webpage are directly provided by the publisher. When a member places an order, the book’s ISBN code will be used as the basis for purchase instead of the latest edition.


若該書前後已印刷多版,且內容差異頗大,舊版書將由廠商回收不再出貨,避免會員拿到舊版書。但若內容沒有太大變更,我們無法確定其進貨版本為何。 因此,博客來無法為會員指定特定版本。

If the book has been reprinted multiple times before and after, and the content is quite different, the old-edition book will be recovered by the vendor and will not be shipped to prevent members from getting the old-edition book. But if the content hasn't changed much, we can't determine the edition for the incoming products. Therefore, Book Your Life cannot specify a specific edition for its members.



In addition, if there are two versions of the magazine cover, the magazine cover cannot be specified if it has been marked "Shipped randomly" on the website.



If you find any discrepancies with the information on the web page when you receive the goods, please inform us by letter or call within 10 days of the cooling-off period so that we can confirm with the publisher.

我拿到的是否會是最新版的書籍 Will I get the latest edition of the book? TOP


The information on the Books.com.tw website is provided by the publisher, and generally, only the date of the first edition is listed. If the book is reprinted, the reprinted information will not be updated on the website.



If the content of the book changes significantly due to the revision, the publisher will notify Books.com.tw to label the original book as out of print. We will re-archive the reprinted books for our members to order.



Generally speaking, we ship the latest published book to our members with the same ISBN code, please rest assured!

我收到了書籍,但書籍上的定價與網頁價格不符 I received the book, but why does the price on the book not matching the price on the website? TOP


After receiving the book, if the pricing of the copyright page you see is different from the previous pricing on the Books.com.tw network, please use E-Mail or call the customer service line:+886 2-2653-5588 so that we will confirm with the publisher first. If the data is indeed incorrect, the wrong pricing will be corrected and the difference will be refunded.

是否可代客訂購簡體字書 Can Books.com.tw order simplified Chinese books on behalf of its clients? TOP


Books.com.tw is not yet able to act on behalf of its members to order books that are not in the simplified Chinese library. Since books in simplified Chinese are purchased in limited quantities, when the said books are sold out, the shopping cart will be closed and no more orders will be placed by the members.

簡體字書的書況 What is the condition of the simplified Chinese book? TOP


Due to the incomplete binding quality and shipping conditions of mainland publications, there is a big gap between the book conditions of mainland publications and Taiwan publications. Old covers, abrasion marks, and dents are normal. Therefore, in the Simplified Chinese Library, except for the cancellation of the member's order due to damaged cover, the falling off of the inner pages, and other serious conditions that makes the products unable to be supplied, all other products will be shipped normally.


請注意,部分書籍附贈之內容(如音頻mp3或影片dvd等)已無實體光碟提供,需以QR CODE 連結至當地網站註冊“並通過驗證程序”,方可下載使用。

Please note that some of the contents of the books (such as audio mp3 or video DVD, etc.) are no longer available on physical discs. You need to connect to the local website with QR CODE to register and pass the verification process before you can download and use it.

何謂「進口專單」商品 What is a special order on import products TOP


Special order on import products refers to products that must be imported from overseas. Generally speaking, it takes about 30-60 days for a overseas vendor to transfer the product and the status of the transfer still depends on the reply of the vendor abroad. But we will track your orders for you regularly. If the vendor replies that the products cannot be transferred, Books.com.tw will notify you of this immediately (if the payment has been made, a refund will be sent back to you at the same time).

關於DVD撥放區域 About the DVD playback area TOP

DVD依據全球地理位置分為八大區域,個別區域發行的影片僅能在同區域的 DVD 機中播放,請於購買DVD前,確認您的DVD放影機所能撥放之區碼。台灣所購買之DVD播放機器,多為鎖碼的DVD播放機器(第三區),只能讀取第三區所購買之影片;如不確定家中所使用的DVD播放機器之區碼,建議可親自至原購買DVD播放機器的商家,為您進行區碼之確認。

The DVD region codes are divided into eight regions according to the global geographic location. Since DVDs released in individual regions can only be played on DVD players of the same region, please confirm the exact region code that your DVD player can play before you buy a DVD. Most DVD players purchased in Taiwan are locked DVD players (with a region code of 3), which can only play DVD purchased in regions with a region code of 3. If you are not sure about the region code of the DVD player used at home, it is advised that you go to the supplier whom you originally purchased the DVD player from to confirm the region code.


DVD播放機器影像播放之規格分為兩種:NTSC / PAL,NTSC及PAL乃全球兩大種主要電視廣播規格。

PAL代表Phase Alternating Line,其標準用於歐洲、香港及中東一帶;NTSC乃National Television System Committee之縮寫,為美規影像信號,其標準用於北美、加拿大、墨西哥及日本(含台灣)。台灣的電視設定影像播放規格為NTSC,而除非你的DVD播放機器設定為可讀取PAL格式,否則您將無法觀看PAL格式影像。

There are two types of specifications on the video playback of DVR player: NTSC/PAL, which are the two major TV broadcast specifications in the world. PAL stands for Phase Alternating Line, the standards of which are used in Europe, Hong Kong, and the Middle East; NTSC is the abbreviation of the National Television System Committee, which is the standard US video signal of which the standard is used in North America, Canada, Mexico, and Japan (including Taiwan). The specification on the video playback defaulted for the TV in Taiwan is NTSC. Unless your DVD player is set to read PAL format, you will not be able to play PAL format videos with your DVD player.



1. Region code 1: United States, Canada, and United States jurisdiction
2. Region code 2: Japan, Europe, South Africa, Middle East (including Egypt)
3. Region code 3: Taiwan, Southeast Asia, East Asia (including Hong Kong and South Korea, etc.)
4. Region code 4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, Mexico, South America, Caribbean
5. Region code 5: Eastern Europe (Former Soviet Union), Indian Mainland, Africa, North Korea, Mongolia
6. Region code 6: Mainland China
7. Region code 7: No designated region is currently available
8. Region code 8: Special international jurisdiction (such as aircraft and yachts)
9. ALL: Play machines in all areas

音樂性CD特殊格式名詞說明 TOP



1.CD (Compact Disc)雷射唱片: 1980年,荷蘭飛利浦與日本SONY兩家公司開發出Compact Disc Digital Audio (簡稱為CD)的小型教學數位音頻光碟,稱為雷射唱片,並制訂了它的技術標準。CD的聲音品質是「44.1kHz/16bit」,這樣的規格指的是利用PCM(Pulse Code Modulation)的方法將聲音錄製下來。雷射唱片是一張以玻璃或樹脂為材料、表面鍍有一層極薄金屬膜的圓盤,通過雷射光束的燒蝕作用,以一連串凹痕的形式將聲音信號刻寫存貯在圓盤上,形成與黑膠唱片相似的信號軌跡;雷射唱機則是以雷射光束讀取雷射唱片上的光信號並轉換為電信號,輸出給音響播放裝置再轉換為聲音信號。起初它只存儲音樂供欣賞。1982年,雷射唱片與唱機以音質好、容量大、體積小等優點紛紛上市。雷射唱片的直徑為5英寸(12.7釐米),反面貼標籤,單面雙聲道存貯數位音頻的資訊,可存放約70分鐘(最長為74分鐘42秒)的內容。雷射唱片也可在電腦上聽,電腦上要裝有CD─ROM、音效卡和音箱等一些設備及軟體。

2. SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc)唱片: 為 Sony與 Philips共同研發的第二代高品質數位音樂格式,採用數位直接串流錄音技術,SACD的取樣頻率高達 2822.4MHz,是一般CD 44.1KHz取樣的64倍,而且SACD頻率範圍更是高達100KHz以上,也因此使得SACD改善了原來CD音樂給人冷硬的刻板印象,而以更細膩、更多細節、更柔軟的聲音呈現,大幅提升音樂高低音的頻寬與音質。SACD採用直接的DSD(Direct Stream Digital)技術,由於DSD技術準確地播出原模擬波形,所以能更清晰、更自然地營造音色,充分捕捉到原樂曲的音樂,令音質解像度增加。除了優質的音效外,SACD格式容量更大,可容納高達四倍以上標準CD格式。因此,SACD有兩條身歷聲數據頻道(2-channel stereo data)、最多至六條多重數據頻道(6-track multi-channel data)、容納文字和圖像,具有卓越的多聲道能力(multi-channel capabilities)以及光碟不同之格式和版權保護。SACD唱片須於SACD播放機中播放,而其中混合光碟片(hybrid disc)就能同時在CD和SACD播放機上面播放。這種格式的光碟有兩層資料,第一層的資料是採用一般音樂CD錄音的PCM格式錄製的,而第二層才是存放真正的DSD格式資料;因此,這種「Hybrid Disc」格式的音樂光碟,也可以向下相容,放到一般家中的CD Player去播放第一層的 PCM格式音樂。

3.HDCD(High Definition Compact Disc): HDCD即High Definition Compatible Digital(相容性高解析度數碼技術)的縮寫,它採用一種新的錄音技術,在將母帶上的模擬音頻信號送入HDCD編碼器的時候,以超過傳統CD制式44.1KHz,16BIT的高解析力編成數碼信號,此時產生的信號將多於普通CD所能容納的信號。HDCD需附有HDCD解碼晶片的CD播放器材可以播放出HDCD音質的音樂。HDCD令音域更強,以及令自然樂聲和人聲音色表現更出色。

4.XRCD(Extended Resolution Compact Disc): XRCD使用JVC獨家開發的K2超級數字編碼器,進行模擬/數碼的轉換,這個20bit,128倍超取樣的模疑/數碼的轉換器,可提供108dB的動態范圍,±0.05dB的平直響曲線,並極大的消除了低電頻信號的諧波失真。由於XRCD全部按照16bit/44.1KHz的CD標準制作,所以不需特殊的CD唱盤或譯碼器就能明顯展現出與眾不同的優越性。在清晰、透明及強弱力度的層面上,XRCD的音質比一般的CD唱片有所提高。這樣的XRCD技術使聽眾聽到如原本母帶差不多之音色。XRCD唱片可於一般的CD播放機中播放。

5.CCCD(Copy Controlled Compact Disc): 所謂的CCCD可以一般日常使用的CD音響播放音樂,但卻不可經由電腦進行複製。另外,在下述環境中可能有無法使用或無法正常使用的狀況發生: (1)CD-R唱盤…等使用CD-R驅動器的CD音響可能無法正常使用。 (2)無法使用Windows個人電腦的CD-R驅動器播放AUDIO TRUCK。不過,由於CCCD含有可用於電腦播放音樂專用的應用程式,因此可使用個人電腦播放EXTRA TRUCK,但並不保證所有電腦都可播放。 (3)Macintosh無法播放。

6.EP(Extended Play): EP是CD的一種,播放設備亦與普通CD一樣,沒什麼特殊要求。EP與CD又略有區別,每張EP所含曲目量較CD少,一般有1-3首歌左右,最多也不?超?5首歌,价位比一般CD低。

7.single: 單曲雷射唱片CD Single,其唱片的外徑僅8釐米,錄有兩首曲子,最長可播10分鐘。

8.DVD-Audio: 純音樂性DVD,與DVD Video尺寸容量相同,為音樂格式的DVD光碟;DVD Audio採用與過去CD相同的"PCM線性"錄製,或採用由英國Meridian所研發的"非刪減式壓縮技數"MLP編碼技術,在最低的傳輸速率下,以最佳的方式傳送原有未壓縮的音樂資料,可使用一般DVD player播放。其音樂特性為不經過任何的壓縮動作,使得原音重現,提供音樂的愛好者更具臨場感、更逼真的音樂效果。DVD Audio並支援多種數位訊號格式,其允許的位元有16位元、20位元、24位元三種,多聲道模式最多達6聲道;以兩聲道192KHz /24bit或6聲道96KHz /24bit時,可容納74 分鐘的錄音,動態範圍達144dB,頻率響應由DC~996KHz,效果令人振奮。

9.DSD(Direct Stream Digital): DSD是『直接位元流數位』,它是Sony與Philips在1996年宣佈共同發展的高解析數位音響規格,它摒除了傳統CD使用的PCM錄音方式,用1bit位元流的方式取樣,把所有訊號以每秒280萬次(CD 44.1kHz取樣的64倍)的高取樣方式,直接把類比音樂訊號波形以脈衝方式轉變為數位訊號,以將近四倍於CD的空間,儲存音樂,因此可以提供更為優秀的聲音效果。

10.K2-20 BIT: 是由日本JVC獨家開發之技術,揚棄一般CD「將原始盤帶轉成數位母帶,再以數位母帶製作CD」的製作步驟,採用20BIT,128倍取樣模疑/數位的轉換技術,將原始盤帶之類比訊號轉換成數位訊號,直接編碼製作成CD,可防止一般CD製作過程之訊號損失。而20BIT高密度編碼,擷取訊號數量是一般16BIT CD的16倍!完整保留低頻訊號原貌,並減少CD最不被滿意之數位訊號間隙,使音質更加圓潤細膩。

11. AAD: 類比錄音,類比轉換的雷射唱片。

12. ADD: 類比錄音,數位轉換的雷射唱片。

13. DDD: 數位錄音,數位轉換的雷射唱片。 14.24K GOLD: 24K黃金版雷射唱片,是在製造CD的材質上鍍上一層24K金膜,由於金屬特性使然,分子分佈非常平均,電鍍層平滑如鏡,使得雷射光束得以百分之百完全反射,音效亦特佳,是為現今科技下音效最好的CD材質。

為什麼不是每一首曲目都有提供試聽 Why isn’t there a soundtrack sample for every song TOP


At present, the soundtrack samples on the Books.com.tw  website are all free trials provided by the record company. Because the free trials involve copyright issues on public broadcasting, they cannot be provided to members if the record company does not provide soundtrack samples for the free trials.



以Sony為首的藍光聯盟於2002年研發了藍光格式光碟,英文稱為Blu-ray Disc,簡稱BD,因為使用藍光雷射故亦稱為藍光光碟。現行DVD碟片在記錄以及播放時使用的是紅光雷射,波長為650nm。使用藍光雷射後,波長縮短到405nm,可對光碟進行更高密度的記錄與讀取,目前較常見到的容量為25GB和50GB。

藍光BD是1080p的高解析影像,畫質為傳統DVD的六倍,且藍光播放機亦可播放傳統DVD影片,因此不需擔心收藏多年的DVD影片無法播放,但是相反的一般 DVD播放器無法播放藍光的影片。

BLUE RAY DVD Playback Regions

Led by Sony, the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA) developed the blu-ray disc in 2002 or BD for short. It is called blu-ray disc because of the use of blue-ray lasers. Currently, DVD use red lasers with a wavelength of 650nm during recording and playback. After the introduction of the blue laser, the wavelength is shortened to 405nm to record and read the disc with a higher definition and a common capacity of 25GB or 50GB. With 1080p high-resolution images, the picture quality of a blu-ray disc is six times that of a traditional DVD. Because the Blu-ray player can also play traditional DVD movies, there is no need to worry about the failure to play DVD movies that have been collected for many years. But on the contrary, regular DVD players cannot play blu-ray discs.



目前台灣可播放BD片子的廠商分別有:家用播放機: Sony / Pioneer / PS3及電腦用光碟機: Pioneer / Acer / LG / Lite-on。

BD Precautions

Currently, the BD players manufactured in Taiwan that can play Blu-ray discs include home players such as Sony / Pioneer / PS3 and computer optical disc drives such as Pioneer / Acer / LG / Lite-on.




Can the Blu-ray player play traditional DVDs?

The Blu-ray player can play VCD, DVD, and Blu-ray discs.




Can regular DVD players play Blu-ray movies?

Not possible.

日文雜誌、歐美雜誌及MOOK Japanese magazines, European and American magazines, and MOOK TOP


The Japanese, European and American magazines that Books.com.tw provides its readers are imported through agents. Since the agent will consider whether or not to purchase the magazine according to the content of the current issue when importing the magazine, we cannot be sure whether or not every issue of the magazine will be made available. Since there is no way to confirm and control the import volume and overseas inventory, if you cannot find the magazine (issue) you want on the website, you cannot order it through Books.com.tw. Except for the magazines in the "Short-Term Subscription" area on the official website of Books.com.tw, we do not provide long-term subscription of foreign language magazines.



In addition, because Japanese magazines, European and American magazines, and MOOK are all purchased from overseas in limited editions, the out of stock message will be posted, the shopping cart will be canceled, and readers will no longer be able to order when the goods have been sold out and the agent indicates that it can no longer be imported from abroad.



We are here to remind you that, the DVDs (if any) included in Japanese and Mook magazines are all DVDs with region code 2, which are only available for playback in Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East (including Egypt). If your DVD player cannot play DVDs with region code 2, returns and exchanges will not be available.

百貨商品可否寄到海外 Can groceries be sent overseas? TOP


At present, it is difficult to export groceries on the official website of Books.com.twas they need to comply with customs inspection and boarding regulations. In order to avoid damaging the product during the shipping process, only parts of the groceries are allowed to be sent to overseas regions.

什麼是轉廠商出貨的商品 What are the products shipped by the vendors? TOP


Some of Book Your Life’s products are shipped by vendors including long-term subscription magazines written in the Chinese language and some groceries, etc. At the bottom of the product page of such products, "shipped by the vendor" or "sent by the vendor after order placement" will be specified.



※If choosing a "Triplicate Uniform Paper invoice" when ordering, according to the "Guidelines for the Implementation of Electronic Invoice", the buyer may access the member area or the integrated service platform to archive the identification form of the "Triplicate Uniform Paper invoice", download it, and print it out in the prescribed format and paper as an original proof to the external business transactions. For related instructions, please refer to the webpage.

我購買下載版軟體,何時可收到 When will I receive the download version of the software I purchased? TOP


After the The E-product (download version) is successfully traded online, the system will immediately send a letter to notify you of the serial number so that you can log in to the "My account " → " The E-product (download version)Area" to inquire and install it directly online. Therefore, once the serial number is issued, we cannot accept returns or exchanges.



If you pay by online credit card, we are here to remind you that once the online transaction is authorized successfully, the serial number will be generated and sent automatically so that the order cannot be canceled. It is advised to confirm whether or not the computer meets the basic requirements of the software, and reconfirm product content, relevant shopping instructions, and instructions for use before checkout.

下載版軟體可以安裝在多台電腦上嗎 Can the downloaded software be installed on multiple computers? TOP


Since most The E-product (download version)  of software only have a set of product serial numbers and corresponding registration emails, they are usually restricted to be installed on the same computer, and cannot be installed on different network environments (with different domains) or different computers. For the installation restrictions of each download version of the software, it is recommended that you refer to the product description on the webpage.

如果沒有收到下載版軟體序號,可不可以補發給我 If I have not received the serial number of the downloaded software, can you reissue it? TOP


When you order theThe E-product (download version)of the software through the official website of Books.com.tw, we will immediately proceed with the shipment after receiving your order and confirming your payment. At the same time, we will send the download information of the download version to the recipient’s e-mail address and you may log in ""My account → " The E-product (download version)Area" to check the serial number. After obtaining the serial number for registering this software, you may download the software online and install it.



If you have not received this letter, please call or write to our customer service so that we can reissue it to you as soon as possible.

若不小心訂錯下載版軟體,可以取消訂單嗎 Can I cancel the order if I accidentally order the wrong software for download? TOP


After theThe E-product (download version)of the product is successfully traded online, the system will immediately send a letter to notify you of the serial number so that you can log in to the " My account" → "The E-product (download version)Area" to inquire and install it directly online. Therefore, once the serial number is issued, we cannot accept returns or exchanges.



If you pay by online credit card, we are here to remind you that once the online transaction is authorized successfully, the serial number will be generated and sent automatically so that the order cannot be canceled. It is advised to confirm whether or not the computer meets the basic requirements of the software, and reconfirm product content, relevant shopping instructions, and instructions for use before checkout.

如果訂購後對軟體不滿意可以退貨嗎 Can I return the product if I am not satisfied with the software after ordering? TOP


After theThe E-product (download version) is successfully traded online, the system will immediately send a letter to notify you of the serial number so that you can log in to the "My account" → "The E-product (download version) Area" to inquire and install it directly online. Therefore, once the serial number is issued, we cannot accept returns or exchanges.
