Managerial Accounting(Annotated Edition)(11版)

Managerial Accounting(Annotated Edition)(11版)

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  The goal of Managerial Accounting is to acquaint students of business with the fundamental tools of managerial decision making and to provide a context for understanding and reacting to the dramatic ways in which business is changing. The emphasis throughout the text is on using accounting information to help manage an organization, while explaining concepts in a way that students can relate to. They should not only be able to produce accounting information, but also understand how managers are likely to use and react to the information in a range of businesses.



Ronald W. Hilton

  現職:Cornell University

David E. Platt

  現職:University of Texas at Austin


Ch 1 The Changing Role of Managerial Accounting in a Dynamic Business Environment
Ch 2 Basic Cost Management Concepts
Ch 3 Product Costing and Cost Accumulation in a Batch Production Environment
Ch 4 Process Costing and Hybrid Product-Costing Systems
Ch 5 Activity-Based Costing and Management
Ch 6 Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation
Ch 7 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
Ch 8 Variable Costing and the Costs of Quality and Sustainability
Ch 9 Financial Planning and Analysis: The Master Budget
Ch10 Standard Costing and Analysis of Direct Costs
Ch11 Flexible Budgeting and Analysis of Overhead Costs
Ch12 Responsibility Accounting, Operational Performance Measures, and the Balanced Scorecard
Ch13 Investment Centers and Transfer Pricing
Ch14 Decision Making: Relevant Costs and Benefits
Ch15 Target Costing and Cost Analysis for Pricing Decisions
Ch16 Capital Expenditure Decisions
Ch17 Allocation of Support Activity Costs and Joint Costs
APPENDIX I: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Internal Controls, and Management Accounting
APPENDIX II: Compound Interest and the Concept of Present Value
APPENDIX III: Inventory Management


  • ISBN:9789863413011
  • 叢書系列:管理會計
  • 規格:平裝 / 816頁 / 26 x 18.5 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 11版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 【考試用書、教科書】聯經電子書展|單本85折、三本79折|聯經出版50週年:閱讀‧我們相遇







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