The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Program to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence, and Happine SS

The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Program to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence, and Happine SS

  • 作者: Peters, Steve
  • 原文出版社:Tarcherperigee
  • 出版日期:2013/05/30
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:722
  • 優惠價:9649
  • 優惠期限:2024年06月26日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Your inner Chimp can be your best friend or your worst enemy...this is the Chimp Paradox

Do you sabotage your own happiness and success? Are you struggling to make sense of yourself? Do your emotions sometimes dictate your life?

Dr. Steve Peters explains that we all have a being within our minds that can wreak havoc on every aspect of our lives--be it business or personal. He calls this being "the chimp," and it can work either for you or against you. The challenge comes when we try to tame the chimp, and persuade it to do our bidding.

The Chimp Paradox contains an incredibly powerful mind management model that can help you be happier and healthier, increase your confidence, and become a more successful person. This book will help you to:

--Recognize how your mind is working
--Understand and manage your emotions and thoughts
--Manage yourself and become the person you would like to be

Dr. Peters explains the struggle that takes place within your mind and then shows you how to apply this understanding. Once you're armed with this new knowledge, you will be able to utilize your chimp for good, rather than letting your chimp run rampant with its own agenda.



Dr. Steve Peters is a Consultant Psychiatrist who specializes in optimizing the functioning of the mind. He is Undergraduate Dean at Sheffield University Medical School and the resident psychiatrist with the British Cycling and Sky ProCycling teams.



  • ISBN:9780399163593
  • 規格:平裝 / 360頁 / 20.83 x 13.97 x 2.54 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
  • 適讀年齡:18歲以上




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  • tarot
  • 繪本展
  • 心理