German Bestseller: Back to the light: A Guide to your awakening

German Bestseller: Back to the light: A Guide to your awakening

  • 定價:1832

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The Swiss bestselling author Simone Illi, explains in the 3rd and last edition of the "Guide" and German Bestseller: "Back to the light", why we are like we are, why we don't get up every morning in joy and live our life in lightness and abundance. She explains what is going on in the world right now and how you can overcome and even heal your fears, addictions, depressions and challenges. She herself has successfully preceded this path. Truth, healing and realizations accompany you as you read. The author of this book guides you out of your labyrinth called life and creates clarity in you and understanding for yourself, why you are the way you are. With this book, you will find your way and your key to love, lightness, joy and abundance. Meditations and exercises complete the book to a holistic path of self-discovery that makes healing 100% possible. In order to live in lightness, joy and abundance, you need nothing more than to understand and live this book Say YES to yourself



Bestselling author Simone Illi, also known as Simone Döbeli, was born in Switzerland in 1976! She is married and has 3 daughters! She emigrated and lives with her family in Cyprus where she founded the IFNB Namaskar Institute Ltd. & Publishing House (Awareness (Distance) education) as well as recognized alternative education and alternative therapy and healing methods! She writes spiritual books which serve the awakening or psychological guidebooks on direct self-discovery! First book and bestseller: "Back to the light - A guide to your awakening". Nothing is more importan t to her than for people to find themselves and realize how wonderful they really are and to let people know that the new age has begun, a world that will be marked by love, joy and freedom. Through her clairvoyance she has insights into the future and explains that this difficult time, which the world is going through at the moment, is necessary in order to be able to gain the knowledge, so that the world can finally live in peace. She herself has gone the way of cognition and self-discovery to the highest levels. Deeply grounded and down-to-earth, she lives her spiritual rituality in everyday life! High psychological knowledge for the healing of the inner child, ancestors and traumas accompanies her naturally, as well as her abilities of clairvoyance. She believes that everyone carries everything within themselves and needs nothing more than to discover themselves. She offers trainings and courses worldwide, gives online seminars and also offers seminars on the Greek island of Cyprus. She represents the new age, through her humor, her su ccessful healings, her clairvoyance and her comprehensive understanding of everything and everyone! She has understood how the world, the psyche and the universe "works" and supports people to find their way successfully and to arrive at YOURSELF!



  • ISBN:9783948565008
  • 規格:平裝 / 278頁 / 21.01 x 14.81 x 1.47 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




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  • tarot
  • 心理
  • 聽讀展