



連結綁定OPENPOINT會員帳號&1點OPENPOINT換1點博客來購物金功能 Functions of linking and binding OpenPoint member account & 1 point OPENPOINT for 1 point Book Your Lif TOP

凡為博客來會員均可連結綁定1個OPENPOINT帳號 All Books.com.tw members can connect and bind 1 OPENPOINT account

先註冊OPENPOINT再連結 Register OPENPOINT first and then connect

還沒有OPENPOINT帳號?立即註冊 Don’t have an OPENPOINT account yet? Sign up now

如何連結OPENPOINT會員帳號?操作說明 How to connect to the OPENPOINT member account? Instructions for Use

1點OPENPOINT換1點博客來購物金 1 point OPENPOINT for 1 point Books.com.tw Books Coins


博客來購物金使用辦法請詳見:客服中心購物金 After the successfully connected and bounded, you may redeem OPENPOINTs for Books.com.tw Books Coins. 1 point Books Coins can be exchanged for NT$1 in cash when shopping. There is no upper limit for redemption, and the validity period is 365 days!

For the instruction for use of the Books.com.tw Books Coins , please refer to the customer service center for Books Coins.

如何連結綁定OPENPOINT會員帳號 How do I connect and bind to OPENPOINT member account TOP

  • 您需註冊成為OPENPOINT會員後,才可進行與博客來會員帳號連結綁定 You need to register as an OPENPOINT member before you can connect and bind to the Books.com.tw member account。
  • 您可透過OPENPOINT官網或APP連結博客來會員帳號,請參考此操作說明 After connecting to Books.com.tw member account via the OPENPOINT official website or mobile apps, please refer to the instructions for use
  • 透過博客來連結OPENPOINT帳號,請依下方步驟操作 By connecting to your OPENPOINT account through Books.com.tw, please refer to the following

登入博客來會員專區的「OPENPOINT帳號連結管理steps to sign in to the "OPENPOINT connecting account/exchange for Books Coins" in the My account of Books.com.tw.

點擊「連結OPENPOINT帳號」Click "connecting to OPENPOINT account"


同意「連結OPENPOINT使用者條款」 Agree to the "service terms for users who have connected to OPENPOINT" account

完成OPENPOINT會員登入Sign in as an OPENPOINT membe

輸入驗證碼成功後,即完成OPENPOINT帳號連結 After entering the CAPTCHA successfully, the connection to the OPENPOINT account has been made complete


When there is a "connected" caption at the My account with GID code display, it means that the connection to the OPENPOINT account has been successful. You may also sign in to the Books.com.tw website through OPENPOINT

如何獲得OPENPOINT點數 How can I get the OpenPoints TOP

1.連結綁定OPENPOINT帳號成功後可依博客來會員分級回饋方案於品牌日消費後獲得OPENPOINT點數回饋 After connecting to the binding OpenPoint account successfully, you may get OPENPOINT rewards after the brand day shopping according to the Books.com.tw member grading reward system


2.使用OPEN錢包或icash Pay付款,您可參考此OPEN錢包說明icash Pay說明 To pay with Open Wallet or iCash Pay, you may refer to the instructions for use of Open Wallet and iCash Pay

詳細活動辦法、不參與活動之指定商品,請依當天網站公告為準 Please refer to the public announcement on the website for the activity rules and designated products that are not involved in the activity。


※提醒您,目前博客來未提供結帳時輸入OPENPOINT會員手機號碼、刷讀APP會員條碼之累點服務 We are here to remind you that Books.com.tw does not provide point cumulative services for OpenPoint members who enter their mobile phone number at the time of checkout, nor for scanning member App barcodes。

OPENPOINT點數如何在博客來使用 How do I use OpenPoint on Books.com.tw TOP

1. 可兌換博客來E-Coupon於消費時抵用,您可參考E-Coupon使用說明
E-Coupon兌換方式:請至會員專區的「OPENPOINT 帳號連結管理」連結帳號後,點擊「兌換折價券E-Coupon」進行兌換,或於登入後透過OPENPOINT兌換折價券網頁兌換。

2. 可兌換博客來購物金於消費時抵用,您可參考購物金使用說明

To redeem  Books.com.tw Books coins and use it at the time of shopping, you may refer to the instruction for use



How to redeem  Books Coins : Go to the My account  and connect to the "openpoint connecting account". After checkout, click "redeem Books Coins" for the redemption so that the Books Coin is valid for a total of 365 days. Please be aware of the expiry date as it can no longer be used after passing the expiry date, nor can you ask for the return of the OpenPoint. 


如何查詢博客來的OPENPOINT累點/兌點記錄 How do I check the cumulative/redemption record of the OpenPoints on Books.com.tw TOP


Please sign in the "openpoint connecting account/redeem Books coins" of the Books.com.tw  My Account to search for the record

【累點記錄 Cumulative Record】 


購物完成後,要多久才可以獲得OPENPOINT How long will it takes for me to collect the OpenPoint after shopping? TOP


After connecting to the binding OpenPoint account successfully, we will transfer the OpenPoint to your member account 23 days after pick up according to the grading reward system on the brand day provided that there is no return record. You may check for the points on "OpenPoint connecting account/Books coins" at the Books.com.tw My Account. If no points were to be found, please contact our customer service immediately.

未連結綁定OPENPOINT,訂單完成後,是否可再補連結獲得點數 If I fail to connect to the binding OpenPoint, can I connect it to receive the points after placing the order? TOP

不可以,請務必先將博客來會員帳號連結綁定OPENPOINT會員帳號,若未連結,訂單完成後恕無法再補發 No, you may not. Please connect your Books.com.tw member account to the binding OpenPoint member account in advance. If you fail to do so, we won't be able to issue the points after you place the order。
但若商品尚未進入出貨流程,建議可先取消原訂單後,再於指定活動期間完成新訂單,並可於購物完成結帳頁面確認預計回饋點數 However, if the product has not yet been shipped, it is advised that you cancel the order first and place a new order within the designated activity period. Afterward, you may check the expected rebate points at the checkout page after shopping。

購買博客來商品,都可以累積OPENPOINT點數嗎 Can I accumulate OPENPOINT when I purchase Books.com.tw products? TOP

連結綁定OPENPOINT帳號成功後可依博客來會員分級回饋方案於品牌日消費後獲得OPENPOINT點數回饋 After connecting to the binding OpenPoint account, you may collect your rebate OpenPoint after shopping on the brand day according to the Books.com.tw reward grading system
※「遊戲點數卡」、「雜誌訂閱」、「禮物卡」類別以及博客來售票網商品,不參加點數回饋活動 "Game Card", "Magazine Subscription", "Gift Card" and Books.com.tw ticket services are not involved in the rebate activity。

※詳細活動辦法請依當天網站公告為準,您亦可於購物完成結帳頁面確認預計回饋點數 For further details, please refer to the public announcement made by the Books.com.tw website on that day. You may also check the estimated rebate points at the checkout page after shopping。

在OPENPOINT點數生效前,更換或解除連結綁定OPENPOINT帳號,是否還可獲得點數 Before OpenPoint comes into effect, will I still be able to collect the point after changing or remo? TOP

可以,點數生效後(取貨後23天給點)將回饋至您下訂單時所連結綁定的OPENPOINT會員帳號(GID會員條碼) Yes, you may. After the points come into effect (23 days after pick up), the rebate points would be sent to the connecting binding openpoint member account (GID member barcode) with which you place the order.。

  • 更換前所連結的OPENPOINT帳號:您可至OPENPOINT APP查詢與使用 The connecting OpenPoint account before the change: you may search and use with OpenPoint App
  • 已解除連結的OPENPOINT帳號:您可至OPENPOINT APP查詢與使用 OpenPoint account of which the link has been removed: you may search and use with OpenPoint App

OPENPOINT點數換為博客來購物金後,還可以換回點數嗎 Can the OpenPoint be changed back after being redeemed for Books.com.tw Books coins ? TOP

不行,OPENPOINT一經兌換為博客來購物金即無法再返還為OPENPOINT點數 No, the OpenPoint cannot be changed back after being redeemed for Books.com.tw Books coins。

在OPENPOINT點數生效前,刪除博客來會員帳號,是否還可獲得點數 If I cancel the Books.com.tw account before the OpenPoint comes into effect, will I still be able to collect the? TOP

可以,點數將回饋至您下訂單時所連結綁定的OPENPOINT會員帳號(GID會員條碼),您可於點數生效後(取貨後23天給點)至OPENPOINT APP查詢與使用 Yes, the rebate points will be sent to the binding OpenPoint member account with which you place the order (GID member barcode). You may also search and use them through OpenPoint App after the points come into effect (23 days after pickup)。

我有辦理退貨,但取消的OPENPOINT點數跟商品金額不同 Why are the OpenPoints canceled not in line with the product amount after asking for a refund? TOP

此商品若曾使用過滿額折扣優惠、E-coupon或購物金折抵,扣回點數時則不包含滿額折扣優惠、E-coupon或購物金折扣 If the product has been put through a discount per specific amount of purchase made, E-coupon, or Books coins, the rebate points do not include a discount per specific amount of purchase made, E-coupon, or  Books coins。

※點數計算方式:單品實際消費金額*會員分級回饋點數% Point calculation method: actual consumption amount of single product*member reward grading system (%)
※實際消費金額不包含:訂單處理費、運費、刷卡手續費、E-Coupon、單書優惠券、單品折價券、購物金、滿額折扣之活動優惠或其他信用卡優惠折抵(例如:紅利折抵)之消費The actual consumption amount does not include order service charge, transportation, credit card service charge, E-coupon, single book coupon, single product discount, Books coins, discount per specific amount of purchase made, or other credit card discount (e.g.: bonus discount).

為什麼OPENPOINT可用點數或點數累積明細會出現負值 Why are there negative number on the detail list of the OpenPoint available or cumulative OpenPoint? TOP

若您有進行退貨,系統將以負值做負向扣點 If you ask for a product refund, the system will deduct your points by number of negative sign。

連結綁定OPENPOINT帳號使用者條款 Service terms for the users of connecting, binding OpenPoint account TOP


連結OPENPOINT帳號注意事項  Precaution for the connecting OpenPoint account

  1. 當您同意使用OPENPOINT帳號登入博客來購物網站(以下簡稱本網站)時,您的密碼是由OPENPOINT網站所處理,博客來並不會接觸到您的密碼,而且每一個OPENPOINT帳號只能連結一個博客來會員帳號進行登入  Whenever you log in to the Books.com.tw shopping website (hereinafter referred to as this website) with your OpenPoint account, your password is processed by the OpenPoint website. Books.com.tw will not be in contact with your password and every OpenPoint account can only be used by a member to log in to his/her Books.com.tw accout。
  2. 就博客來而言,經由登入OPENPOINT帳號及密碼而登入本網站,該登入的帳號即代表會員本人,使用者於使用本網站服務之任何行為,均視為會員本人之行為,並需遵循博客來會員條款之各項約定。您必須妥善設定、維護及保管您的OPENPOINT帳號及密碼,包含但不限使用本網站服務結束時應適時登出本網站並同時登出OPENPOINT帳號 So far asBooks.com.tw is concerned, the OpenPoint account and password with which the member log in to this website represents the member himself/herself. Any behavior of the user in using the services of this website shall be regarded as the behavior of the member himself/herself, and shall comply with the various provisions of the Books.com.tw membership. You must properly set up, maintain, and safe-keep your OPENPOINT account and password, including but not limited to logging out of this website and logging out of your OPENPOINT account at the same time after using the service on this website。
  3. 如果您洩漏自己的個人資料、密碼或付款資料,並使得第三人有使用的機會時,您必須就第三人的行為負全部責任。博客來並可隨時暫停或終止提供本項使用OPENPOINT帳號登入網站之服務 If you disclose your personal information, password, or payment information and give a third person the opportunity to use it, you must take full responsibility for the third person’s actions. And Books.com.tw may suspend or terminate the service of logging in to the website with your OPENPOINT account at any time。

兌換購物金注意事項 Precaution for the redemption of ooks Coins

  1. OPENPOINT一經兌換為博客來購物金即無法再返還為OPENPOINT,送出時請務必再次確認。OPENPOINT點數、購物金視為購物優惠福利,逾期未使用或操作錯誤時,將視同放棄使用或已使用,故不再另行歸還 Once the OpenPoints are redeemed for Books.com.tw Books Coins , they cannot be returned back to the OpenPoints. Therefore, please double-check before confirmation. Since OpenPoints and  Books Coins are regarded as shopping preferential benefits, they will be deemed to have been discarded or used after passing the expiry date or under wrong operations and they will not be returned separately。
  2. 使用OPENPOINT所兌換之博客來購物金,使用效期為365天,逾期未使用將自動失效。購物金使用後將由系統隨機折抵於訂單中任一商品。每次交易最高可折抵該筆訂單總金額的30%,每件商品最高可折抵其售價的30% After the OpenPoints are redeemed to Books.com.tw Books Coins, the validity date is 365 days and it will automatically become invalid if it is not used before the expiry date. After the Books Coins is used, the system will randomly discount any product in the order. Each transaction can be discounted up to 30% of the total amount of the order, and each product can be discounted up to 30% of its selling price。
  3. OPENPOINT兌換成功後,您可至會員專區查詢您的點數兌點明細或至購物金查詢 After redeeming OpenPoints successfully, you may go to the member section to check for your point redemption details or go to the Books Coins for further inquiry。
  4. 若因不可抗力之因素(包括但不限於:天災、停電、網路傳輸斷線……等),造成OPENPOINT已扣點,博客來購物金卻未轉換成功之狀況,將於恢復正常後隔日補匯入購物金至您的博客來帳戶 If the OpenPoints are deducted but not redeemed for Books.com.tw Books Coins, successfully due to force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters, power outages, network disconnection, etc.), we will transfer the Books Coins to your Books.com.tw account the next day after the system returns to normal.。
  5. 會員應妥善保管您的帳號及密碼,避免他人未經您的同意而使用,任何經由輸入正確帳號與密碼所使用之點數兌換,本公司均不退還。若由於不可抗力或不可歸責於本站的因素致點數帳戶資料流失時,本公司將不負賠償或補償之責  Please keep your personal account and password safe to prevent others from using it without your permission. After entering the correct account number and passwords, any redemption of OpenPoints will not be refunded by the company. If the data in the OpenPoint account is lost due to force majeure or factors that are not attributable to this website, the company will not be liable for compensation nor reimbursement。
  6. 消費者於參與獲得OPENPOINT點數活動時,即視為同意活動流程及本公司之點數規範,本公司將保有所有發送點數之收回/使用權 When consumers participate in the OPENPOINT activity, they are deemed to have agreed to the activity process and the company's point specifications, and the company will reserve the right to withdraw/use all the points that have been sent out。
  7. 折價券或購物金無法轉移為點數,且點數只限會員本人使用無法轉移其他會員 Discount coupons or Books coins cannot be converted back to OpenPoints after redemption. The points are only for use by the members and cannot be transferred to other members.。

使用者條款修改及異動公佈 Announcement for the changes and modifications of the terms of use

  1. 博客來將保留隨時變更、修改或終止本「使用者條款」之權利,若有異動及修改內容將在本網站上公佈,恕不另外個別通知 Books.com.tw reserves the right to change, modify or terminate these "Terms of Use" at any time. Any changes and modifications will be published on this website and will not be noticed separately。
  2. 博客來有權停止所有點數累積兌換活動,若本公司終止所有點數兌換之活動,台端與本公司因本活動產生點數計算之爭議者,所有爭議解釋之依據概依本公司留存之交易資料為準 Books.com.tw reserves the right to stop all points accumulation and redemption activities. If the company terminates all point redemption activities, and you and the company have a dispute over point calculation arising from this activity, the basis for all dispute interpretation shall be based on the transaction data retained by the company。
