請於收到商品10天猶豫期內(含例假日),至會員專區線上申請退貨,並將完整商品、贈品、附件連同勾選完成的出貨明細表一併包裝妥善,憑退貨便代碼在48小時內,至7-ELEVEN ibon列印單據後,於櫃檯完成寄件。
收到包裹10天猶豫期(含例假日)內登入會員專區,於「訂單查詢」中的訂單編號下方點入「看完整內容」,點選上方【申請退貨/換貨】按鈕 (行動版請至「訂單查詢」中點入訂單編號申請)
目前博客來已提供線上申請退貨服務,詳見如何退貨說明 At present, has provided an online return application service. For details, please refer to the instructions on how to return the product。
自行郵局掛號(或包裹)方式寄回退換貨商品者,商品寄回代墊的郵資費用將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內 If you go to the post office to return the products by registered mail (or parcel), the postage paid for the return of the products will be refunded to your account balance.。
提醒您We are here to remind you that:
※轉廠商出貨商品:目前僅提供線上申請退貨,您可參考如何退貨說明,若因商品瑕疵等因素欲辦理換貨,請洽詢客服人員 Product shipped by manufacturer: Currently, only online applications for product return are available. You may refer to the instructions on how to return the product. If you want to exchange products due to product defects, please contact our customer service staff。
※票務訂單,或退貨包裹材積超出門市規定(詳7-ELEVEN包裝規範),請先洽詢客服人員,請勿自行寄回博客來 For ticket orders or return packages whose volume exceeds the store specification (see 7-ELEVEN packaging specification), please contact our customer service staff first instead of sending it back to。
※海外訂單目前僅能線上申請瑕疵退貨,若因商品瑕疵欲辦理換貨或有其他問題,請先洽詢客服人員。(請勿自行將商品寄回,若自行寄回請自行負擔寄回運費)Overseasorders: Currently only online applications for the return of defective products are available.If you want to exchange products due to product defects, please contact our customer service staff.
(Please do not send the product back by yourself or you will have to bear the shipping cost on your own).
After receiving the package you sent back, will confirm with you by e-mail. The refund will take about 3-5 working days. Once the refund is completed, you will receive another refund notification. In addition, the postage fee for returning the products will be refunded to your account balance in
We are here to remind you that since some products (such as 3C, home appliances, or products that have been unwrapped, etc.) need to be tested by the manufacturer, the processing time will take about one week. After the manufacturer's inspection is over, we will arrange the exchange/refund for you as soon as possible and notify you of the relevant progress by E-Mail.
According to "The Regulations on Reasonable Matters as Exceptions to Rescind the Distance Sales" stipulated in Article 19, Paragraph 2 of the "Consumer Protection Act", once some products are unwrapped, they cannot be returned or exchanged unless they are empty or unusable. For more instructions, please refer to the "Product Return and Exchange Policy".
付款方式為「7-ELEVEN取貨付款」、「客樂得貨到付款」、「ATM轉帳」的訂單 Orders paid by "7-ELEVEN Payment upon Pick up ", "Payment on Delivery", and "ATM transfer"
退款金額會直接退至會員帳戶餘額中。您在收到退款通知信函的三個工作日後,可登錄「會員專區」查詢到相關的退款金額 Since the amount will be directly refunded to your member account balance, you may log in to the " My Account" to check the relevant refund amount three working days after receiving the refund notification letter。
付款方式為「信用卡(線上一次付款/紅利/分期付款)」、「銀聯卡」的訂單(不含7-ELEVEN門市信用卡付款) Orders paid by "online credit card payment" , and " UnionPay Card"
退款金額會直接退至會員下此訂單時所使用的信用卡中。退款結果會以E-mail通知,若退款成功,一般可於下一期信用卡帳單看到此退款(依信用卡結帳週期而定) the amount will be directly refunded to the credit card used by the member when placing this order and the result will be notified by E-mail. If the refund is successful, you may see the refund in your next credit card bill (depending on the credit card billing cycle).。
付款方式為「LINE Pay」的訂單 Orders paid by "LINE Pay"
退款金額會退到您原扣款的信用卡中,一般作業時間約需7個工作天,實際款項退回時間仍需視發卡銀行作業而定;若已逾LINE Pay結帳日,款項將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內,您可在收到退款通知信函的三個工作日後,登錄「會員專區」查詢到相關的退款金額 the amount will be refunded to the credit card used by the member when placing this order, which generally takes 7 working days depending on the operation of the issuing bank. After passing the checkout day of LINE pay, the amount will be refunded to your account balance in You may log in to the " My Account " to check the relevant refund amount three working days after receiving the refund notification letter.。
付款方式為「街口支付」的訂單 Orders paid by "JKOPAY"
退款金額會退到您的街口儲值帳戶或原扣款之信用卡中,一般作業時間約需2~3個工作天,屆時您可至街口APP>「我的」>「交易記錄」查看,或洽詢街口支付客服 the amount will be refunded to your JKOPAY deposit account or the credit card you used to place the order, which generally takes 2~3 working days. By then, you can go to JKOPAY APP→Personal Account→Transaction Record or contact JKOPAY customer service。
付款方式為「OPEN錢包」的訂單 Orders paid by "OpenPoint"
退款金額會退到您原扣款的信用卡中,一般作業時間約需2~3個工作天,您亦可至OPENPOINT APP>「會員中心」>「支付管理」>「交易紀錄」查看,而實際款項退回時間仍需視發卡銀行作業而定;若已逾OPEN錢包結帳日,款項將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內,您可在收到退款通知信函的三個工作日後,登錄「會員專區」查詢到相關的退款金額 the amount will be refunded to the credit card you used to place the order, which generally takes 2~3 working days. By then, you can go to OPENPOINT APP→My Account →Payment Management→Transaction Record to check it up and the actual refund time will depend on the card-issuing bank. After passing the checkout date of OPENPOINT, the amount will be refunded to your account balance in Book Your Life. You may log in to the My Account " to check the relevant refund amount three working days after receiving the refund notification letter。
付款方式為「icash Pay」的訂單 Orders paid by "icash Pay"
退款金額會退到您的icash Pay帳戶餘額或原扣款之信用卡,一般作業時間約需2~3個工作天,屆時您可至icash Pay APP>「個人」>「交易紀錄」查詢;若已逾icash pay結帳日,款項將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內,您可在收到退款通知信函的三個工作日後,登錄「會員專區」查詢到相關的退款金額 the amount will be refunded to your account balance in icash pay or the credit card you used to place the order, which generally takes 2~3 working days. By then, you may go to icash Pay APP→Personal Account→Transaction Record to check it up. After passing the checkout date of icash pay, the amount will be refunded to your account balance in Book Your Life. You may log in to the "My Account " to check the relevant refund amount three working days after receiving the refund notification letter。
退款金額將於您的Atome待繳金額中扣除或退到您的Atome帳戶,一般作業時間約需2~3個工作天,屆時您可至Atome APP>「帳單」查看,或洽詢Atome客服;若已逾Atome結帳日,款項將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內,您可於三個工作天後到會員專區中查詢。
退款金額將於您的AFTEE待繳金額中扣除或由AFTEE通知您退款後續作業,一般作業時間約需2~3個工作天,屆時您可至AFTEE APP交易紀錄查看,或洽詢AFTEE客服;若已逾AFTEE結帳日,款項將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內,您可於三個工作天後到會員專區中查詢。
提醒您:若商品自行寄回辦理退貨,代墊的郵資費用將退到您在博客來的帳戶餘額內 We are here to remind you that if you return the product by sending it back yourself, the postage will be sent to your account balance in 。
目前博客來提供7-ELEVEN退貨便服務,您可參考線上申請退貨/換貨說明 So far, provides 7-ELEVEN with product return services. For further details, please refer to the product return/exchange instructions online
轉廠商出貨商品:目前僅提供線上申請退貨,您可參考如何退貨說明,若因商品瑕疵等因素欲辦理換貨,請洽詢客服人員 Products shipped by the manufacturer: At present, only product return application online is available. Please refer to the product return instructions and contact our customer service staff if you want to return the product due to product defects.。
若您無法於線上申請退換貨、售票網訂單,或退貨包裹材積超出門市規定(詳7-ELEVEN包裝規範),請洽詢客服人員 If you're unable to return or exchange the products or ticket orders through the online application or if the product whose package exceeds the store specifications (see 7-ELEVEN packaging specifications), please contact our customer service staff。
若您不小心領到他人的包裹,請先洽詢客服人員後,至客服中心下載列印「誤領包裹退款單」並將包裹寄回辦理退貨退款作業 If you accidentally pick up another person's parcel by mistake, please contact our customer service staff, download and print out the "Wrong Parcel Return Form" from the customer service center, and send back the parcel for product return.。
退貨辦法 How to return the product:
會員購買的商品,享有到貨十天的猶豫期(含例假日),若欲申請退貨,請洽愛金卡客服人員(電話:0800-233-888或02-26576388),並遵照以下流程完成退貨手續 Our members enjoy a ten-day cooling-off period for the product they purchase (including regular holidays). If you want to apply for a product return, please contact icash customer service at 0800-233-888 or 02-26576388 and follow the procedures provided below。
※請至全省7-ELEVEN門市拿愛金卡專用退貨信封並在信封背面勾選其他說明註記〝博客來退貨〞Please collect the icash product return envelope from any 7-ELEVEN in Taiwan and check the option of "other" at the back of the envelop and note " product return"。
※將需退貨卡片裝入信封至郵局櫃檯掛號寄出(信封已付掛號費用) Please put the product return card into the envelope and send it to the post office counter as registered mail (the registration fee has already been paid for the envelope) 。
※退貨投遞需於十天猶豫期內辦理,以郵戳為憑 Please return the product within the ten-day cooling-off period based on the postmark。
商品頁退/換貨說明 Instructions for product return/exchange
辦理退換貨時,商品必須是全新狀態與完整包裝(請注意保持商品本體、配件、贈品、保證書、原廠包裝及所有附隨文件或資料的完整性,切勿缺漏任何配件或損毀原廠包裝)。退回商品無法回復原狀者,恐將影響退貨權益或需負擔部分費用 When applying for a return or exchange, the product must be in a brand new condition and fully packaged (Please keep the products, accessories, gifts, guarantees, original packaging, and all accompanying documents or information intact, and do not miss any accessories or cause any damage to the original packaging). If the returned product cannot be restored to its original state, it may affect your rights to return or have you bear part of the cost。