Modernist Bread: The Art and Science

Modernist Bread: The Art and Science

  • 作者: Nathan Myhrvold
  • 原文出版社:Phaidon Press
  • 出版日期:2017/10/24
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:23375

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七星級烹飪傳奇 Modernist Cuisine 原班人馬

耗時四年,超過 1500 次實驗

  2011 年的烹飪鉅著 Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking 創下美國銷售奇蹟,這次,Cooking Lab(烹飪實驗室)團隊花費四年、歷經超過 1500 次實驗,帶來最深入的麵包烘焙專書。本套書立基於麵包、穀物和營養學的最新科學研究,並和 75 名各領域的專家合作,包括食物史學家 Steven Kaplan、穀物專家 Maria Speck 以及烘培大師Peter Reinhart 等。全套書分為五卷:第一卷介紹麵包的歷史及基礎知識;第二卷探討麵包的組成——穀物、麵粉及其他材料的應用;第三卷則是烘焙技巧指南;第四、五卷為多達 1500 套的食譜,涵蓋傳統到現代的應用,包括德國結(Pretzel) 、薄餅(flatbread)及吐司等等。


  本書中超過 3000 張細節飽滿的照片,再次展現Cooking Lab驚人的攝影技術。為了多方面呈現麵包的不同樣態,攝影團隊使用了最新的技術及工具——你甚至可以看到烤麵包機的內部如何運作!除此之外,以顯微攝影拍攝麩質、酵母的構造,為讀者呈現最微距的觀察。


  烹飪實驗室採用了各種科學儀器,包括以3D 掃描機製作吐司模型以測量體積、密度;以混合試驗儀測試不同麵粉及麵糰在烘焙時的反應;使用圖像分析儀測試麵粉品質、氣室結構…本書首度以科學角度詮釋「麵包」,帶你一窺美味的關鍵,是所有烘焙愛好者、專業廚師及烘焙師的必備藏書。

Modernist Bread: The Art and Science is a revolutionary new understanding of one of the most important staples of the human diet. Created by the team that published the award-winning Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking, this massive treasury of practical knowledge and groundbreaking techniques captures over four years of independent research and collaborations with leading industry professionals; the result is the most in-depth look at bread to date. Stunning photography brings the complete story of bread to life across five volumes—uncover its incredible history, loaves from every corner of the world, and the breath-taking beauty of scientific phenomena at work above and below the crust. In addition, you will discover innovative recipes and techniques developed by the Modernist Cuisine team that have not been published anywhere else. Housed in a sleek stainless steel case, this five-volume set contains more than 1,500 traditional and avant-garde recipes, as well as a wire-bound kitchen manual so that you can easily bring all of the recipes into the kitchen in one compact collection. Spanning over 2,300 pages, Modernist Bread will become an invaluable resource for anyone who has a thirst for knowledge about bread or wants to advance their craft. This book is a call to arms for any baker—whether you are a strict traditionalist, avid modernist, home baker, restaurant chef, or an artisanal baker—to embrace the possibilities of invention and follow your inspiration to make breads in your own way.




  微軟第一位首席技術官(CTO)Nathan Myhrvold 曾到知名法國餐廳 La Varenne、Rover 學藝。近年邀集名廚、科學家、攝影師等數十人,創立一間高科技烹飪實驗室,探索烹飪科學原理,解開食物美味密碼。該黃金團隊研發的第一套七星級烹飪套書《Modernist Cuisine》創下美國銷售奇蹟,帶動烹飪界的全新革命。

  Nathan Myhrvold is founder of The Cooking Lab and lead author of Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking, Modernist Cuisine at Home, The Photography of Modernist Cuisine, and the forthcoming book Modernist Bread: The Art and Science. He routinely pushes the boundaries of culinary science as a chef, scientist, photographer, and writer. He has had a passion for food and photography since he was a boy. At a young age he consumed cooking books and invested in new cameras and lenses—even while doing postdoctoral cosmology work with Stephen Hawking. While working as the chief technology officer of Microsoft, he took a leave of absence to earn his culinary diploma from École de Cuisine La Varenne in France. Nathan retired from Microsoft in 1999 to found Intellectual Ventures and pursue several interests, including his lifelong interest in photography, cooking, and food science. Inspired by the void in literature about culinary science and the cutting-edge techniques used in the world’s best restaurants, Myhrvold assembled the Modernist Cuisine team to share the art and science of cooking with others.



  • ISBN:9780982761052
  • 規格:盒裝 / 2196頁 / 35.27 x 28.26 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:英國




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