《管理學》第十版係由Gareth R. Jones與Jennifer M. George根據讀者學習經驗與回饋意見,重新新增、編撰與調整內容,聚焦經營環境對於企業經營、組織運作與公司治理的衝擊與影響,闡述管理者應能透過規劃...more
Using a reader-friendly and straightforward approach, Langley/Novack/Gibson/Coyle s SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A LOGISTICS......more
1. 理論架構完整 涵蓋國際財務管理的核心題材,內容由淺入深,由基礎而進階,並搭配反映國際財務管理核心思維與時事的專題(國際財經辭典、國際財經視窗)及實證資料,堪稱國際財管教材的一時之選。 2. ...more
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance was designed and developed for a first course in business or corporate finance, for bo......more
The Sixth Edition of Supply Chain Logistics Management presents Logistics in the context of integration within a firm s ......more
Zeithaml/Bitner/Gremler, Services Marketing introduces readers to the vital role that services play in the economy and i......more
In response to evolving economic and competitive landscapes, this book underscores the increasing importance of focusing......more
Advances in computing technology, particularly in science and business, have increased the need for more statistical sci......more
Global Business Today sets the standard for International Business courses, at both undergraduate and graduate levels. I......more
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting introduces students to financial accounting using a balanced mix of conversational ......more
Essentials of Negotiation is a condensed version of the main text, Negotiation. It explores the major concepts and theor......more
一、依最新(113年)法令修改,內容最正確。 二、另附線上資源,內容包含: (1)複習及思考問題解答 (2)現行稅法條文(截至7月止最新主要稅法) (3)租稅法題庫(近十年高考、普考、特考、初等考試、高考...more
Business Driven Information Systems discusses various business initiatives first and how technology supports those initi......more
本書特色 一、納入最新國際企業學術研究的討論議題。 二、新增最新國際企業相關時事、事件、統計數據及企業案例。 三、更新每一章的章首個案及章末個案。 四、更新每一章節內的圖、表、照片、案例...more
The 2024 release of this beloved and market-leading Operations Management title has been completely updated to provide a......more
The market-leading undergraduate investments textbook, Essentials of Investments by Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, continually......more
Dive into the heart of economics with our Principles of Economics 2024 Release. We strip away unnecessary details, focus......more
Real Estate Finance & Investments prepares readers to understand the risks and rewards of financing and investing in res......more
Learn to market effectively using social media with the unique emphasis and best practices found only in SOCIAL MEDIA MA......more
「禍兮福之所倚,福兮禍之所伏」印證了佛經:「人生無常」的宿命,人類從搖籃到墳墓時時伴隨著危險,古今中外,無一倖免。現代人為了降低這些危險可能帶來的財務損失,危險管理(Risk Management)科學於是...more
Project Management: A Socio-Technical Approach is a comprehensive title that emphasizes the importance of the human dime......more
Brewer s Introduction to Managerial Accounting has earned a reputation as the most accessible and readable book on the m......more
Mirrors the most up-to-date account of changes taking place in today s management practices by incorporating recent deve......more
Nickels/McHugh/McHugh, Understanding Business is a market-leading product that meets the needs of nearly all classrooms,......more
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 2024 Release provides a complete, concise introduction to human resource manag......more
本書寫作目的在提供「好教、好學、好懂」的貨幣銀行學課程教本,具有以下特色: 一、完整易懂:涵蓋貨幣銀行學課程的基礎與進階核心題材,文字精簡、理論架構完整、內容簡明易懂。 二、內容綱要化:以...more
From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students ......more
Cachon Matching Supply with Demand, 4e is a clear, concise and more rigorous approach to an introductory Operations mana......more
Frank T. Rothaermel wrote Strategic Management 6e from the ground up because the world has changed dramatically since 5e......more
This comprehensive and engaging text presents the complexities of strategic management through up-to-date scholarship an......more
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing is the most well-established and influential strategic pricing text available, relie......more
由Hill、Schilling二位學者合著的《策略管理》,不論在美國本地或是全球重要的海外市場,都是一本深受教師與學生喜愛,而被廣泛採用的教科書。它至今已推出第十四版,足見其受重視與歡迎的程度。 在這...more
「運輸管理」基本上就是運輸事業的經營與管理,尤其著重在私部門運輸企業的「安全」管理與經營「效率」,但也不能脫離公部門的監督與管理。本書特色包括: 一、以管理學的觀點,介紹各運輸業經營的理論...more
Accounting Information Systems 4e covers the four roles for accountants with respect to information technology: users of......more
Today,we are experiencing the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era in the history of marketing communicatio......more
一、內容概念化:深入淺出的闡述金融市場,輔以豐富簡單易懂的圖、表。 二、介紹最新發展:探討「新冠肺炎」疫情、烏俄戰爭及中美貿易戰,引發全球性的通貨膨脹,為抑制通膨高漲,主要國家貨幣政策反轉...more
Essentials of Business Research Methods provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to research methods and an......more
The Sixth Edition of Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core focuses on the essential core concepts in the dyna......more
Essentials of Marketing Research uses an application-oriented approach to equip students with tools and skills necessary......more
Investments set the standardas a graduate (MBA) text intended primarily for courses in investment analysis.The guiding p......more
The latest edition in the Principles of Corporate Finance dynasty, the 14th edition continues in its tradition of showin......more
E-commerce 2023–2024: business. technology. society. provides you with an in-depth introduction to e-commerce with cover......more
1.Builds Student Interest by engaging and motivating students by presenting accounting in the context of recognizable co......more
The book connects digital marketing topics with the traditional marketing framework, making it easier for students to gr......more
Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach, the definitive introductory text on auditing, focuses on the au......more
「天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福」印證了佛經:「人生無常」的宿命,人類從搖籃到墳墓時時伴隨著危險,古今中外,無一倖免。現代人為了降低這些風險可能帶來的財務損失,風險管理(risk management)科學於是...more
Corporate Finance: Core was developed for the graduate (MBA) level as a concise, up-to-date, and to-the-point product, t......more
Pioneers in the field, Cateora, Gilly, and Graham continue to set the standard in this 19th edition of International Mar......more
International edition of Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets 7th ......more
Essentials of MIS provides you with an in-depth look at how businesses today use IT and systems to achieve their goals. ......more
一個不賺錢的福袋,如何讓全聯在策略上搶佔先行者的優勢? 電視台卻靠保健品翻身,如何一年熱銷12億? 要用「有溫度陪伴」來取代賣藥,小藥局如何黏住長輩顧客?讓我們一起從《策略管理》的趣味中,啟發...more
本書是作者深耕電力經濟領域多年的研究心得與成果分享。具備以下三大特色: 一、理論架構上,係根據經濟學供給、需求、價格、管制及政策各面向,進行完整的論述,並兼顧電力系統規劃的特性。 二、應用...more
The 12th edition of International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior takes a user-friendly, well-balanced appro......more
Essentials of Contemporary Management provides the most current, concise account of changes taking place in the world of......more
As the #1 best-sellerin Managerial Accounting, the 18th edition of Garrison/Noreen/Brewer s ManagerialAccounting continu......more
Essentials of Marketing Is Designed to Satisfy Your Needs. Cannon/Perreault, Essentials of Marketing looks at the best......more
Saunders and Cornett s Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach provides an innovative approach tha......more
DISCOVERING COMPUTERS: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, DATA, AND DEVICES, 17th edition, teaches you not only the basics of technolog......more
In Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World, Peter Cardon is taking a practitioner and case-base......more
International Financial Management provides students with a foundation for analysis through a text that is well-organize......more
Optimize your outcomes. With McConnell/Brue/Flynn, improving outcomes has never been simpler. If given the chance to wor......more
This updated Fifth Edition of Damodar N. Gujarati s classic text provides a user-friendly overview of the basics of econ......more
Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy builds on theory to provide students with a usable, strategic understandi......more
本書寫作目的,在提供「好教、好學、好懂」的貨幣銀行學課程教本,具有以下特色: 一、完整易懂:涵蓋貨幣銀行學課程的基礎與進階核心題材,本版大幅改寫,使內容更為完整、易懂。 二、條理分明:理論...more
Organizational Behavior provides the information you want, when you want it. Reflecting the most recent research and eve......more
Operations and Supply Chain Management, 17e covers the latest and most important issues facing operations and supply cha......more
Like its predecessors, the thirteenth edition of Analysis for Financial Management is for nonfinancial executives and bu......more
Bordoloi s Service Management 10e contains extensive coverage of the impacts of COVID-19 including the service innovatio......more
From its origins in 1976, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics has become a best seller, providing students ......more
Financial Accounting is written with the Asian student and student using International Financial Reporting Standards (IF......more
Retailing Management, 11th Edition, highlights the many ways the retail industry has transformed and evolved over the pa......more
The emphasis of Managerial Accounting, 13th edition, is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manag......more
Melissa Schilling s Strategic Management of Technological Innovation is the #1 innovation strategy text in the world. It......more
Principles of Financial Accounting, 3rd edition, continues to provide leading accounting content that engages and motiva......more